small church music

Listing of Piano & Instrumental files, starting with "J"

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Alphabetical list of Piano & Instrumental files.
Jehovah, Father and Creator, Radaniela
Jehovah, Father and Mighty, Ch. Rasoanaivo
Jehovah, let me now adore Thee, Dir, Dir, Jehovah
Jehovah, mighty Father, T.C. O'Kane
Jehovah, mighty Father! We are, Consolation (alt)
Jehovah, mighty Father! We are, J. Rakotonirainy
Jehovah never forgets His servant, G. Ruud
Jehovah never forgets his servant, Rakotonjanahary
Jehovah, the patient Father, H.C. Zeuner
Jerusalem! high tower thy glorious walls, Melchior
Jerusalem, my happy home, Bocking
Jerusalem, my happy home, Diana
Jerusalem, O city, Jerusalem, Du Hochgebaute Stadt
Jerusalem on high, O. Ahnfelt
Jesu, Elder and full of love, G.F. Root
Jesu, Friend of the children, J.R. Sweney
Jesu has visited His people, O. Mailing
Jesu, help us for fear of being lost, J. McGranahan
Jesu Holy Baby, Norwegian Melody
Jesu is knocking at the door of your, J.A. Josephson
Jesu is my Assurance, P. Nilsen-Lund
Jesu is our Friend, Jesu is, Song of gladness, 179
Jesu, Lord of life and glory, Llanilar
Jesu, Lord of Life and glory, St. Raphael
Jesu, meek and gentle, Belsize
Jesu, meek and lowly, St. Martin
Jesu, our Elder, German hymn
Jesu our friend, J. Ramala
Jesu, Power and Saviour, P. Ramilison
Jesu, Saviour and our Redeemer, Voice of Praise
Jesu, Saviour and truly Shepherd, American Hymn 6
Jesu, Source of the, Valborg Anderssen, 1851-1935
Jesu, the Glory King but a friend, J. Rajaonah
Jesu, the good Friend, G.F. Root
Jesu! The very thought is sweet, Pavia
Jesu, Thy righteousness, G.F. Haendel
Jesu, to Thee our hearts we lift, Cheshunt College
Jesu was dying, L. Mason
Jesu, we love Your Name, H.J. Gauntlett
Jesu, wise Leader, I.D. Sankey
Jesus! and shall it ever be, Federal Street
Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult, Galilee (Jude)
Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult, Herald
Jesus calls us o'er the tumult, Restoration
Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult, Chester
Jesus came, the Heavens adoring, Sieh, Hier Bin Ich
Jesus Christ is passing by, Sarajevo
Jesus Christ is risen today, Easter Hymn
Jesus Christ is risen today, Llanfair
Jesus Christ, my heart's true Captain, Ivinghoe
Jesus Christ, my heart's true, Manor House
Jesus Christ, our, Jesus Christus, Unser Heiland
Jesus comes with all His grace, Orientis Partibus
Jesus comes with all His grace, Savannah
Jesus, faithful to his word, Greenville
Jesus found me when afar, John M. Harris
Jesus, Friend of little children, Derwent
Jesus full of grace, Hubbard
Jesus, gentlest Saviour, God of might and, Eudoxia
Jesus, give me the power, H. Buvarp
Jesus, good above all other, Quem Pastores
Jesus, grant that balm and healing, Der Am Keruz
Jesus' hands were kind, Au Clair de la Lune
Jesus has come, and brings joy as, Jesus Ist Kommen
Jesus has loved me - wonderful, Antoine E. Batiste
Jesus hath died and hath risen, Jesus saves me now
Jesus hath died that I might live, Devizes
Jesus! how much Thy name unfolds, Unknown
Jesus I am resting, resting, Resting
Jesus, I love Thy charming Name, Pisgah
Jesus I will praise, Gloria A Jesus
Jesus, I will trust Thee, I.D. Sankey
Jesus, I Would Faithful Be, J.O. Hillyer
Jesus, if we aright confess, Old 44th
Jesus, in Thy dying woes, Swedish Litany
Jesus, in Thy dying woes, Ton-Man
Jesus, in whom the weary find, Marienbourn
Jesus invites His saints, Bod Alwyn
Jesus invites his saints, Galway
Jesus invites His saints, St. Ethelwald
Jesus is alive, L.M. Lindeman
Jesus is all the world to me, Elizabeth
Jesus is coming to earth again, L.N. Morris
Jesus is only the, Ratovondrahety Rafihavanana
Jesus is our Shepherd, Marchel Davis
Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall, M.L. Stocks
Jesus is tenderly calling thee home, G.C. Stebbins
Jesus is the good and loved Shepherd, German Melody
Jesus is the good and loved Shepherd, Unknown
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!, Llanthony
Jesus, Jesus, thou art sufficient, Llwynbedw
Jesus, keep me near the cross, W. H. Doane
Jesus, let thy pitying eye, Penitence
Jesus, life of all the world, Life
Jesus lives! The, Jesus, Meine Zuversicht
Jesus, Lord, and precious Saviour, Hela Varlden
Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Jordan
Jesus loved each little child, Cecilia
Jesus, lover of my soul, Aberystwyth
Jesus, lover of my soul, Hollingside
Jesus, lover of my soul, Martyn
Jesus loves me!, China
Jesus loves the Children, C.M. Bellman
Jesus, meek and gentle, St. Constantine
Jesus my Lord, Moravian melody
Jesus, my Saviour, Brother,, Angel's Song
Jesus, my Saviour, is all, William J. Kirkpatrick
Jesus, my Saviour, look on me, Hanford
Jesus, my strength, my hope, Chalvey
Jesus, Name all names above, St. Theoctistus
Jesus! Name of wondrous love, Gott Sei Dank
Jesus! Name of wondrous love, Louez Dieu
Jesus, our Lord, with what joy, Ira D. Sankey
Jesus, priceless treasure, Jesu, Meine Freude
Jesus, Redeemer of the world, Wilderness
Jesus, refuge of the weary, O Du Liebe Meiner Liebe
Jesus, refuge of the weary, Wetterling
Jesus, Savior, pilot me, J.E. Gould
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, Duke Street
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, Rimington
Jesus, Son of God most high, Peacefield
Jesus, Son of Mary, fount of life alone, Dul Aluinn
Jesus, Son of Mary, fount of life alone, Swahili
Jesus spreads His banner, Francois H. Barthelemon
Jesus stand among us, Caswall (Bemerton)
Jesus, stand among us, Gott Ein Vater
Jesus, still lead on, Seelenbrautigam (Spire)
Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou, Coldrey
Jesus, Sun of Righteousness, Lux Prima (Macfarren)
Jesus, tender Shepherd,, Brocklesbury (Brocklesby)
Jesus, the First and Last, St. Olave
Jesus, the gift divine I know, Colchester
Jesus the Lord said,, Yisu Ne Kaha (Urdu Tune)
Jesus, the loving Shepherd, W.A. Ogden
Jesus, the true Protector, I.D. Sankey
Jesus, the very thought of Thee, St. Agnes (Dykes)
Jesus the Very Thought of Thee, Thomas Hughes
Jesus, Thou alone art worthy,
Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts, Hesperus (Quebec)
Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts, Holly (Holley)
Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts, St. Luke
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts, St. Sepulchre
Jesus, Thou soul of all our joys, Grosvenor
Jesus, Thou sovereign Lord of all, St. Werbergh
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness, Fulda (Germany)
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness, St. Crispen
Jesus, Thy love shall I forget, Anon
Jesus Thy Name I Love, Joseph P. Holbroock
Jesus, to Thy table led, St. Phillip
Jesus, to Thy table led, Tyholland
Jesus, united by Thy grace, St. David
Jesus, we are facing You, Rakotonjanahary
Jesus, we look to Thee, Reuben
Jesus, we look to Thee, Rhoads
Jesus, we on the word depend, Newhaven (Luton)
Jesus, what a Friend of sinners, Hyfrydol
Jesus, where'er Thy, Redhead No. 4 (Paddington)
Jesus, who lived above the sky, Armadale
Jesus, with Thy Church abide, Agape
Jesus, with thy Church abide, Hervey's Litany
Jesus, with thy Church abide, Litany of the passion
Jesus, with Thy Church abide, St. Katrine
Jesus, with Thy Church abide, Tres Magi De Gentibus
Join all the glorious names, Darwall
Join all the glorious names, Eastview
Join all the glorious, St. Peter's Manchester
Join all the glorious names, Warsaw
Join the song of praise and protest, Daily Daily
Joined to the Christ victorious, John F. Burrowes
Joseph dearest, Joseph mine, Resonet In Laudibus
Joy bells are ringing, Julen Ar Inne
Joy! Joy! Joy! with joy my heart is ringing, unknown
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!, Antioch
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, Hymn to Joy
Joyful look, Rajerimanana
Joys are flowing like a river, W.S. Marshall
Judge eternal, throned in, St. Leonard (Bach)
Just as I am, Dunstan
Just as I am, Saffron Walden
Just as I am, Woodworth
Just as I am, Thine own to be, Howcroft
Just as I am, without one plea, Gainsworth
Just as I am, without one plea, Misericordia
Just lean upon the arms of Jesus, L.E. Jones
Just one touch as he moves, J. Howard Entwistle
Just over the mountains, J.R. Sweney
Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Gabriel