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The Covenant Hymnal, 1996

     4     God of creation, all-powerful, Slane
     6     Bless the Lord, O my soul, Anonymous
     7     I'll praise my Maker while I've breath, Old 113th
     8     O Lord my God, O Store Gud ©
     9     O mighty God, O Store Gud ©
   10     Immortal, invisible, God only wise, St. Denio
   11     Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, Hymn to Joy
   12     Lord, when we praise you with glorious music, Hubbard ©
   14     My God, how wonderful thou art, Dundee
   18     God, we praise You!, Rustington
   19     Holy God, we praise Thy name, Grosser Gott
   20     God Almighty, we adore you, England
   21     Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, Anonymous
   23     O worship the King, all glorious above, Lyons
   24     Praise the Lord, his glories show, Llanfair
   27     Sing praise to God who reigns above, Mit Freuden Zart ©
   28     Shout for joy, loud and long, Personent Hodie
   29     Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Jacques Berthier
   30     Tell out, my soul, Woodlands
   31     Now thank we all our God, Nun Danket
   34     Not unto us, O Lord, Lobe Den Herren
   35     Praise my soul, the King of Heaven, John Goss ©
   36     O come, let us adore him, Adeste Fideles
   37     The God of Abraham praise, Leoni
   38     Worthy of worship, worthy of praise, Judson ©
   40     Praise the Lord who reigns above, Amsterdam
   42     All people that on earth do dwell, Old 100th
   43     Stand up and bless the Lord, St. Thomas
   44     Glory to God! Praise to your holy name!, National Hymn
   45     O sing to the Lord, Brazilian melody
   46     Let us, with a gladsome mind, Monkland
   47     Let the whole creation cry, Salzburg
   48     Praise God from whom blessings flow, Old 100th
   49     Praise God from whom blessings flow, Old 100th
   53     We worship only You, O Lord, Roland Tabell
   55     All creatures of our God and King, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
   56     For the beauty of the earth, Dix
   57     This is my Father's world, Terra Beata
   58     I sing the mighty pow'r of God, Ellacombe
   59     Let all things now living, Ash Grove
   60     All things bright and beautiful, Royal Oak
   61     Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Lobe Den Herren
   62     Praise the Lord! O heav'ns, adore him, Austrian Hymn
   63     Praise the Lord, each tribe and nation, Kalmar
   64     Praise the Lord, all praise and blessing, Loven Herren
   66     I greet the, who my sure Redeemer art, Toulon
   68     Come, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Nettleton
   71     There's a wideness in God's mercy, Wellesley
   72     To God be the glory - great things He hath done, William H. Doane
   73     God, my God, in heav'n above, Guds Godhet
   77     God of our life, Sandon
   78     Great is thy faithfulness, Faithfulness ©
   79     The care the eagle gives her young, Campmeeting
   80     Thy holy wings, dear Saviour, Holy Wings
   82     O tender, gracious Father, Far-off Lands
   83     What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Showalter
   84     The King of love my Shepherd is, Dominus Regit Me
   85     There is a place of quiet rest, McAfee
   87     Children of the heav'nly Father, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
   89     Lord of all hopefulness, Slane
   91     My Shepherd will supply my need, Resignation
   92     The Lord's my shepherd, Crimond
   93     Peace and thanksgiving, Bunessan
   94     Sometimes a light surprises, Blomstertid
   97     Under his wings, I am safely abiding, Hingham
   99     We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing, Kremser
 100     One there is, above all others, Dana
 101     Come, thou almighty King, Italian Hymn
 102     All glory be to God on high, Allein Gott in der Hoh
 104     Praise now the Father, Flemming
 105     O splendor of God's glory bright, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 106     Holy, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, Franz Schubert
 107     Christ is the world's light, Christe Sanctorum
 108     Sing praise to the Father, To God be the Glory
 109     Glory be to the Father, Mieneke
 112     Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, Greatorex
 113     Holy, holy, holy Lord Almighty, Nicea
 114     God loved the world so that he gave, St. Crispen
 119     When Israel was in Egypt's land, Go down Moses
 120     O come, O Come, Emmanuel, Veni Emmanuel
 121     Wake, awake, for night is flying, Wachet Auf
 122     O Zion, acclaim your Redeemer, Ga Sion
 123     O how shall I receive you, St. Theodulph
 124     O promised one of Israel, Forest Green
 125     Hark, the glad sound!, Chesterfield
 126     Lift up your heads, O mighty gates, Truro
 127     Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Picardy
 128     Prepare the way, O Zion, Bereden Vag For Herran
 129     Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, Merton
 130     Come, you people of the promise, W Zlobie Lezy
 131     Comfort, comfort ye my people, Psalm 42
 132     O Bride of Christ, rejoice!, Auf Meinen Lieben Gott
 133     On Jordan's band the Baptist's cry, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 134     Long ago, prophets knew, Personent Hodie
 135     Come, thou long expected Jesus, Stuttgart
 136     Rejoice, rejoice, believers!, Vigil
 137     The king of glory comes, Promised One
 138     People, look east, the time is near, Besancon
 139     The angel Gabriel from heaven came, Gabriel's Message
 140     Jesus came, the heav'ns adoring, Regent Square
 142     Blest be the God of Israel, Kingsfold
 143     Wait for the Lord, Taize Community ©
 144     For ages women hoped and prayed, Vox Dilecti
 146     Joy to the world! The Lord is come, Antioch
 147     O come, all ye faithful, Adeste Fideles
 148     Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming, Es Ist Ein Ros'
 149     He is born, the divine Christ child, Il Est Ne
 150     See amid the winter's snow, Humility
 151     In the bleak midwinter, Cranham
 152     Twas in the moon of wintertime, Une Jeune Pucelle
 153     It came upon the midnight clear, Carol
 154     O little town of Bethlehem, St. Loius
 155     While by our sheep we watched at night, Jungst
 156     While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Christmas
 157     Hark! the herald angels sing, Mendelssohn
 159     Angels, from the realms of glory, Regent Square
 160     How glad I am each Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve
 161     From heav'n above tp earth I came, Vom Himmel Hoch ©
 162     Angels we have heard on high, Gloria
 164     Away in a manger, Away in a Manger
 165     Away in a manger, Cradle Song
 166     Joy bells are ringing, Julen Ar Inne
 167     The first Noel, The First Noel
 168     For Mary, Joseph, 'twas no place, Deo Gracias
 169     Infant holy, infant lowly, W Zlobie Lezy
 170     The hands that first held Mary's child, Kingsfold
 171     What child is this, who, laid to rest, Greensleeves
 172     Silent night! holy night!, Sille Nacht
 173     Good Christians all, rejoice, In Dulci Jubilo
 174     Of the Father's love begotten, Divinum Mysterium
 175     Once in royal David's city, Irby
 176     Now shine a thousand candles bright, Christmas Candles
 177     Sing we now of Christmas, Noel Nouvelet
 178     Mary had a baby, my Lord, African-American melody
 179     O thou joyful, O thou wonderful grace revealing, O Sanctissima
 180     All hail to thee, O blessed morn, Wie Schon Leuchtet
 181     When Christmas morn is breaking, Christmas Dawn
 182     Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light, Ermuntre Dich
 185     Long ago, and far away, Resonet In Laudibus ©
 187     Our day of joy is here again, Yuletide
 188     Go, tell it on the mountain, Go Tell It
 189     O Savior of our fallen race, Gonfalon Royal
 191     O Morning Star, how fair and bright, Wie Schon Leuchtet
 192     As with gladness men of old, Dix
 193     I think of that star of long ago, Betlehems Stjarna
 194     Arise, your light is come!, Festal Song
 196     What star is this, with beams so bright, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 197     O sing a song of Bethlehem, Kingsfold
 198     Thou didst leave thy throne, Margaret
 200     Lord, bid your servant go in peace, Land of Rest
 201     When John baptized by Jordan's river, Rendez a Dieu
 202     Once when Jesus Christ as hungry, Picardy
 204     O love, how deep, how broad, Deo Gracias
 205     Jesus heard with deep compassion, In Babilone
 206     Sing of God made manifest, Salzburg
 207     Christ is the truth, the way, Diademata
 208     Amen, Spritual
 210     Tis good, Lord, to be here!, Sawbia
 211     Arise, dead Lazarus, come forth!, Deo Gracias
 212     One day when heaven was filled, Charles H. Marsh
 213     My Lord of light who made the worlds, Barbara Allen
 214     Lord, who throughout these forty days, Richmond
 215     Christ Jesus knew a wilderness, St. Crispen
 217     Alas! and did my Savior bleed, Martyrdom
 218     Come to Calvary's holy mountain, Holy Mountain
 219     I will sing the wondrous story, Hyfrydol
 220     Man of sorrows!, Man of sorrows
 221     In the cross of Christ I glory, Rathbun
 222     When I survey the wondrous cross, Hamburg
 223     I will sing of my Redeemer, My Redeemer
 224     Beneath the cross of Jesus, St. Christopher
 225     Jesus, refuge of the weary, Wetterling
 226     What wondrous love is this, Wondrous love
 227     All glory, laud and honor, St. Theodulph
 228     Hosanna, loud hosanna, Ellacombe
 229     Ride on! ride on in majesty!, Winchester New
 230     Go to dark Gethsemane, Redhead No. 76
 234     Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended, Herzliebster Jesu
 235     On a hill far away, Old Rugged Cross
 236     My Crucified Savior, Rutstrom
 238     O sacred Head, now wounded, Passion Chorale
 239     Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow, Cross of Jesus
 240     Were you there, African-American melody
 241     Joy dawned again on Easter day, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 242     I know that my Redeemer lives, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 243     Thine be the glory, Judas Maccabeus
 244     Now the green blade rises, Noel Nouvelet
 245     Low in the grace He lay, Christ arose
 247     Come, you faithful, raise the strain, Ave Virgo Virginum
 248     Jesus lives, and so shall I, Jesu, Meine Zuversicht
 249     Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to heaven, Hymn to Joy
 250     This joyful Eastertide, Vruechten
 254     Oh, how good is Christ, Oh Que Bueno
 255     Good Christians friends, rejoice, Gelobt Sei Gott
 257     The strife is o'er, Victory
 258     Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Easter Hymn
 259     Christ is alive!, Truro
 260     The day of resurrection!, Lancashire
 261     Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Llanfair
 262     O sons and daughters, let us sing!, O Filii et Filiae
 263     A hymn of glory let us sing!, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 264     Crown him with many crowns, Diademata
 265     All hail the power of Jesus' name!, Coronation
 266     All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!, Diademata
 267     Alleluia! sing to Jesus, Hyfrydol
 269     Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, Duke Street
 270     The head that once was crowned with thorns, St. Magnus
 271     Rejoice, the Lord is King!, Darwall's 148th
 272     On Pentecost they gathered quiet early, Munich
 273     Wind who makes all winds that blow, Aberystwyth
 274     Come, O Spirit, with your sound, Boundless Mercy
 277     Gracious Spirit, dwell with me, Redhead No. 76
 278     Holy Spirit, font of light, Redhead No. 76
 279     For your gift of God the Spirit, Blaenwern
 281     Come, O Creator, Spirit, come, Veni Creator Spiritus
 283     Breathe on me, breath of God, Trentham
 284     God, whose purpose is to kindle, Rustington
 286     Let ev'ry Christian pray, Laudes Domini
 289     Filled with the Spirit's Power, Toulon
 290     Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Lambillotte
 291     Holy Spirit, with light divine, Mercy
 293     O Holy Spirit, making whole your Church, Melita
 294     Spirit of God, descend upon my heart, Morecambe
 295     Come, Christians, join to sing, Madrid (Matthews)
 296     All praise to God who reigns above, Blessed be the Name
 297     Christ, we do all adore thee5, Adore Thee
 299     O for a thousand tongues to sing, Azmon
 301     Jesus, Jesus, name most precious, Jesu Namn
 302     Lord of all gladness, In Dir Ist Freude
 303     Praise the Savior, you who know him!, Acclaim
 306     And can it be that I should gain, Sagina
 309     All praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine, Engelberg
 310     He is Lord, he is Lord!, Anonymous
 311     O Jesu so meek, O Jesulein Suss
 314     Join all the glorious names, Darwall's 148th
 315     Jesus' name!, Oh, let me sing it, Zulu Melody
 317     Beautiful Savior!, Crusader's Hymn
 318     We come, O Christ, to You, Darwall's 148th
 319     Praise him! Praise Him!, Joyful Song
 320     When morning gilds the skies, Laudes Domini
 321     Praise the Lord with joyful song, Loven Gud
 322     You servants of God, your Master proclaim, Hanover
 323     Worthy is Christ, Digno Es Jesus
 324     Come, O sinners, poor and needy, Beach Springs
 325     I heard the voice of Jesus say, Vox Dilecti
 326     Somebody's knocking at your door, African-American melody
 327     Jesus stands outside the door, Roslein
 329     Come, ev'ry soul be sin oppressed, Stockton
 330     Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, Jesus I Come
 331     Just as I am without one plea, Woodworth
 332     Just as I am without one plea, Misericordia
 336     Open your hearts all you who hear this, Israeli Folk Melody
 337     Whosoe'er, anywhere seeks, Open Door
 340     In the springtime fair but mortal, Springtime
 341     Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, Amazing Grace
 342     Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Moody
 343     My faith looks up to thee, Olivet
 345     Lord, I want to be a Christian, African-American melody
 346     O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Ebenezer
 347     Jesus, thy blood and righteouness, Germany
 348     Take the world, but give me Jesus, Stilla Stunder
 350     Jesus! what a friend for sinners!, Hyfrydol
 351     Jesus of Nazareth passes by, Nordqvist
 352     I've found a friend, O such a friend!, Friend
 353     If asked whereon I rest my claim, Salighetsgrund
 354     My faith has found a resting place, No Other Plea
 355     Forgive our sins as we forgive, Detroit
 357     Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, Rutstrom
 358     Kind and merciful God, Elfaker
 359     All my sins have been forgotten, Hyfrydol
 361     Out of the depths I cry to You, Aus Tiefer Not
 362     Lord Jesus, think on me, Southwell
 364     God! When human bonds are broken, Merton
 365     Pass me not, O gentle Savior, William H. Doane
 366     May the mind of Christ, my Savior, St. Leonards
 368     Open my eyes, that I may see, Clara H. Scott
 369     Jesus, lover of my soul, Aberystwyth
 370     My Jesus, I love thee, Gordon
 371     King of my life I crown thee now, Duncannon
 374     Savior, while my heart is tender, Hyfrydol
 375     Take my life, and let it be, Hendon
 376     When we walk with the Lord, Trust and Obey
 377     Take time to be holy, Longstaff
 379     Jesus call us, o'er the tumult, Galilee
 380     Jesus call us, o'er the tumult, Holy Manna
 381     Have thine own way, Lord!, Adelaide
 382     Jesus, keep me near the cross, Near the Cross
 383     I am thine, O Lord, William H. Doane
 384     More love to thee, O Christ, William H. Doane
 385     In heav'nly love abiding, Heavenly Love
 387     Abba, Father, Sreven Fry ©
 388     It's me, its me, O Lord, Penitent
 389     Sweet hour of prayer, Sweet Hour
 393     Our Father, which art in heaven, Malotte
 395     Ev'ry time I feel the Spirit, African-American melody
 396     Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life, The Call
 397     Dear Father of all human kind, Repton
 399     What a friend we have in Jesus, Erie
 400     I wish you would begin, Begynnelse
 401     If you will only let God guide you, Neumark
 402     All the way my Saviour leads me, Robert Lowry
 403     Lord, as a pilgrim through life I go, Pilgrim Song
 404     He leadeth me, O blessed thought!, William B. Bradbury
 405     Jesus, be my Guide and Teacher, Pleading Savior
 407     Savior, like a shepherd lead us, Bradbury
 408     Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, CWM Rhondda
 409     In shady, green pastures, God leads us
 410     Lead me, Lord, Samuel S. Wesley
 411     Along the roads of daily life we sit, Morecambe
 412     Be thou my vision, Slane
 414     I want Jesus to walk with me, African-American melody
 415     Give, O Lord, unto thy servant, Tillflykt
 416     Great hills may tremble, Bergen Ma Vika
 418     God moves in a mysterious way, Dundee
 419     Lead on, O cloud of Presence, St. Theodulph
 420     Teach me your way, O Lord, Camacha
 421     Chosen seed and Zion's children, Lammets Folk
 422     O God, our help in ages past, St. Anne
 424     We are singing, for the Lord is our light, Zulu Melody
 425     What God does, that is nobly done, Was Gott Tut
 426     God of the ages, Bunessan
 427     Wheresoe'er I roam, Var Jag Gar
 429     Lead on, O King eternal, Lancashire
 430     Blessed Assurance, Assurance
 431     Why should I be anxious, Sunne
 433     My hope is built on nothing less, Solid Rock
 435     Day by day and with each passing moment, Blott En Dag
 436     As pants the deer for cooling streams, Land of Rest
 437     How firm a foundation, Foundation
 438     O love that will not let me go, St. Margaret
 439     Love divine, all loves excelling, Beecher
 440     I know not why God's wondrous grace, El Nathan
 441     A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, William J. Kirkpatrick
 442     Savior in thy love abiding, Proch
 443     Jesus loves me! This I know, William B. Bradbury
 444     I am so glad that our Father in heav'n, Gladness
 445     We search for language to explain, Kingsfold
 446     O God, in restless living, Rutherford
 447     When the storms of life are raging, Stand by me
 449     I need thee ev'ry hour, Robert Lowry
 450     I look not back, O Salla Land
 451     When peace, like a river, Ville Du Havre
 452     I am trusting you, Lord Jesus, Bullinger
 453     Cast thy burden upon the Lord, Felix Mendelssohn
 454     We shall walk through the valley, African-American melody
 455     Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side!, Finlandia ©
 458     Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, William J. Kirkpatrick
 459     Jesus, priceless treasure, Jesu, Meine Freude
 460     Oh, happy they in God who rest, Victory
 462     I must tell Jesus, Orwigsburg
 463     Like a river glorious, Wye Valley
 464     A mighty fortress is our God, Ein' Feste Burg
 465     Forward through the ages, St. Gertrude
 466     Onward, Christian Soldiers, St. Gertrude
 467     Ask ye what great thing I know, Hendon
 468     Because He died and is risen, Israeli
 469     My life flows on in endless song, Endless Song
 470     Am I a soldier of the cross, Arlington
 471     Our mighty God works mighty wonders, Celebration
 472     Now, anxious heart, awake from your sadness, Anxious Heart
 473     Your hands, O Lord, in days of old, Forest Green
 474     Lord, you have welcomed us, O Waly Waly
 475     O Son of God, in Galilee, Lewis-Town
 476     At evening when the sun had set, Angelus
 478     O seek the Lord in prayer, Marion
 479     O God, whose will is life and good, Crimond
 482     Here, Master, in this quiet place, Beatitudo
 483     O Christ, the healer, we have come, Canonbury
 484     We cannot measure how you heal, Germany
 485     I stand amazed in the presence, My Savior's Love
 487     Jesus, the very thought of Thee, St. Agnes
 488     I cannot tell why, Londonderry Air
 489     I have a friend who loveth me, Frykman
 490     Jesus, I am resting, resting, Tranquillity
 493     Jesus, O joy of loving hearts, Quebec
 494     O let your soul now be filled, Ransomed Soul
 495     My soul now magnifies the Lord, Maria's Lovsang
 496     Rejoice, O pure in heart, Marion
 498     I sing with joy and gladness, Joyful Pilgrim
 500     Now before you, Lord, we gather, Montclair
 501     Out of need and out of custom, Holy Manna
 502     Christians, we have met to worship, Holly Manna
 503     Be still and know that I am God, Anonymous
 507     In your temple courts, O Father, Lammets Folk
 508     What is this place where we are meeting?, Komt Nu Met Zang
 513     Jesus, stand among us, Friedrich Filitz
 515     We come to our eternal God, Mit Freuden Zart
 518     What joy there is in coming, Sanctuary
 520     Open now your gates of beauty, Unser Herrscher
 521     Holy Spirit, come with power, Rustington
 522     The Word of God is solid ground, Constance
 523     O Word of God incarnate, Munich
 524     Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, Michael W. Smith ©
 525     Sing them over again to me, Philip P. Bliss
 527     Tell me the old, old story, Evangel
 529     Almighty God, you Word is cast, Belmont
 530     Lord, I have made Your word my choice, Crimond
 531     God has spoken by His prophets, Austrian Hymn
 533     The highest joy that can be known, Highest Joy
 534     Blessed Jesus, at Your Word, Liebster Jesu
 535     Break now the Bread of Life, Bread of Life
 536     Thanks to God whose Word was spoken, Praise my soul ©
 537     In water we grow, Laudate Dominum
 539     See this wonder in the making, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
 540     Wash, O God, our sons and daughters, Beach Springs
 541     All who believe and are baptized, Mit Freuden Zart
 542     Child of blessing, child of promise, Stuttgart
 543     As Christ the little children blessed, Christmas Candles
 544     Jesus, Friend so kind and gentle, Tillflykt
 546     Lord, we bring to you our children, Wycliff
 547     Baptized in water, sealed in the Spirit, Bunessan
 549     I believe in you, Lord Jesus, Munich
 550     I come with joy, a child of God, Dove of Peace
 551     As we gather at Your table, Beach Spring
 552     How great the joy the Lord provides, Day of Redemption
 553     Come, let us eat now the feast is spread, Billema Kwillia
 555     In celebration, clap your hands, Sine Nomine
 556     At the Lamb's high feast, Sonne Der Gerechtigkeit
 557     I am the bread of life, Bread of Life ©
 559     Here, O my Lord, I see You face to face, Penitentia
 563     Clothe yourself, my soul, Schmucke Dich
 565     Bread of the world, in mercy broken, Eucharistic Hymn
 569     How wonderful it is, Gemenskap
 572     Let us break bread together, African-American melody
 575     Now let us from this table rise, Tallis' Canon
 577     Come, we that love the Lord, Marching to Zion
 578     Thank you, God, for sister, brothers, Austrian Hymn
 579     The Church's one foundation, Aurelia
 580     God bless your church with strength, Diademata
 581     Though I may speak, Gift of love
 582     We are people of God's peace, Ave Virgo Virginum
 583     Help, us accept each other, Aurelia
 584     Faith of our fathers, living still, St. Catherine
 585     God, creator of Your people, Holy Manna
 586     Jesus, Lord, we look to thee, Aberystwyth
 587     Slaves once were we, O Waly Waly
 590     We are a new creation, Wie Liebich Ist Der Maien
 592     With God as our Friend, Ahnfelt
 593     In Christ there is no East or West, St. Peter
 594     Glorious things of you are spoken, Austrian Hymn
 595     Built on the rock the Church does stand, Kirken
 596     When Christ was lifted from the earth, McKee
 597     Christ, you are the fullness of God, Arirang
 598     I love your kingdom, Lord, St. Thomas
 599     O Breath of life, come sweeping through us, Blomqvist
 601     There shall be showers of blessing, Showers of blessing
 603     Christ be my leader, Slane
 604     God, renew us by Your Spirit, Restoration
 605     Renew Your Church, its ministries restore, All is well
 606     Restore is us, O God, Swabia
 607     Change your Church, O God, to be more, St. George's Windsor
 608     God of grace and God of glory, CWM Rhondda
 609     Come, all Christians, be committed, Beach Spring
 610     O Jesus, I have promised , Day of Rest
 612     O master, let me walk with Thee, Maryton
 613     God, you spin the whirling planets, Hymn To Joy
 614     Christ, you call us all to service, In Babilone
 619     Lord, whose love in humble service, Ebenezer
 620     Lord, speak to me, Canonbury
 621     God of the prophets, Toulon
 622     Where cross the crowded ways, Germany
 623     Take up your cross, the Savior said, Distress
 625     I then shall live, Finlandia ©
 629     Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love, Chereponi
 631     Bless, now Your chosen ones, Terra Beata
 633     God, whose giving knows no ending, Austrian Hymn
 634     Great Source of all our life, Darwall's 148th
 635     God, whose farm is all creation, Shipston
 636     All things are yours!, Germany
 637     Lord, you love the cheerful giver, Beecher
 639     We give Thee but Thine own, Schumann
 640     Grant us, Lord, the grace of giving, Stuttgart
 641     Lavish love, abundant beauty, Pleading Savior
 644     Another year is dawning, Aurelia
 645     Father, we praise You, Christe Sanctorum
 646     Now comes the time for flowers, Blomstertid
 647     Sing of everlasting kindness, Lammets Folk
 648     The earth adorned in verdant robe, Ahlen
 649     Great God, we sing that mighty hand, Germany
 650     O God your hand has brought, St. Theodulph
 651     For this new Church, National Hymn
 653     Sing to the Lord of harvest, Wie Liebich Ist Der Maien
 654     Come, you thankful people, come, St. George's Windsor
 655     We plow the fields and scatter, Wir Pflugen
 656     Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring, Lobet Und Preiset
 657     Thanks to God for my Redeemer, Tack O Gud
 658     Sun of my soul, Hursley
 659     Father, give a tranquil spirit, Earnest
 660     Now the day is over, Merrial
 661     The day you gave us, Lord, has ended, St. Clement
 662     Take the name of Jesus with you, Precious Name
 664     Sent forth by God's blessing, Ash Grove
 665     Amen, Louis Bourgeois
 666     Twofold amen, Johann G. Naumann
 667     Twofold Amen, Vincent Persichetti
 668     Threefold Amen, Danish
 669     May God's love be fixed above you, Praise my soul ©
 670     Forth in your Name, O Lord, I go, Rockingham
 671     On our way rejoicing, Hermas
 673     Lord, dismiss us with your blessing, Sicilian Mariners
 675     May the grace of Christ, our Savior, Sardis
 676     Go, my children, with my blessing, Ar Hyd Y Nos
 677     Christ for the world we sing, Italian Hymn
 679     O Zion, haste, your mission high fulflling, Tidings
 681     I love to tell the story, Hankey
 682     He's got the whole world, African-American melody
 683     Hear the voice of Jesus calling, Ripley
 684     We all are one in mission, Aurelia
 686     We have heard the joyful sound, Jesus Saves
 688     We've a story to tell to the nations, Message
 689     Jesus loves the little children, Children
 690     The city is alive, O God, All Saints New
 692     God is working his purpose out, Purpose
 693     Fill the earth with music, Wye Valley
 697     Here in the busy city, Munich
 698     Your kingdom come, O Father, Lancashire
 700     When love is found, Gift of love
 701     Our Father in heaven, St. Denio
 702     As man and woman we were made, Sussex Carol
 703     Hear us now, O God our Maker, Hyfrydol
 704     Lord, today bless this new marriage, Stuttgart
 705     My Lord, I do not ask to stand, Quebec
 710     We are part of God's creation, Vesper Hymn
 711     For beauty of meadows, St. Denio
 712     God in his love for us, Morning Star
 715     Called as partners in Christ's service, Blaenwern
 717     When life for us is full of comfort, Wayfaring Stranger
 720     Rise up, O saints of God, Festal Song
 723     When will people cease their fighting, Rustington
 724     For the healing of the nations, Regent Square
 726     When faith and culture clash, Bolyston
 728     O Holy City, seen of John, Morning Star
 729     Eternal Father, strong to save, Melita
 730     God of the ages, National Hymn
 732     Lift ev'ry voice and sing, J. Rosamond Johnson
 733     O God of ev'ry nation, St. Theodulph
 734     My country, 'tis of Thee, America
 736     Mine eyes have seen the glory, Battle Hymn
 737     O beautiful for spacious skies, Materna
 739     When in our music God is glorified, Engelberg
 740     God, who stretched the spangled heavens, Holy Manna
 741     When the morning stars together, Weisse Flaggen
 742     New songs of celebration render, Rendez a Dieu
 743     I have a future all sublime, Min Framtidsdag
 745     There is a road that goes to heav'n, Road To Heaven
 747     There's a land that is fairer than day, Sweet by and by
 751     We shall overcome, Martin
 753     Lord of the living, Christe Sanctorum
 754     In heav'n above, Hauge
 755     Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Heaven
 756     Let hope and sorrow now unite, Mit Freuden Zart
 757     Abide with me fast falls the eventide, Eventide
 758     O how blest to be a pilgrim, Hanson Place
 759     On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, Promised Land
 760     O holy angels bright, Darwall's 148th
 761     Rejoice in God's saints, Hanover
 762     Here from all nations, O Quanta Qualia
 764     Behold a host arrayed in white, Norwegian Melody
 765     I sing a song of the saints of God, Grand Isle
 766     Let saints on earth together sing, Dundee
 767     For all the saints, Sine Nomine
 768     Jesus comes with clouds descending, Regent Square
 769     Hide not your face, Lost in the night
 770     In the depth of winter's darkness, Bryn Calfaria
 771     It may be at morn, Christ Returneth
 775     Great day! Great day, African-American melody
 776     John saw the heav'n and earth made new, McKee
 778     When all is ended, Sine Nomine

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