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教會聖詩 - Hymns for God's People, 1985

English Lyrics available here and here

     1     齊來稱頌偉大之神, Germany
     2     你真偉大, O Store Gud ©
     3     晨曦破曉, Bunessan
     4     大地風光, Dix
     5     這是天父世界, Terra Beata
     7     你的信實廣大, Faithfulness ©
     8     歡樂平安的聖日, Mendebras
     9     上主在他的聖殿中, William J. Kirkpatrick
   10     清晨歌, Chao Tzu-Chen
   11     萬國啊, Chinese Traditional Melody
   12     父恩廣大, Song of Hoe
   13     慈愛天父﹐我心真感激你, Traditional
   14     真神之愛, F.M. Lehman
   15     神愛世人, Stainer
   16     神聖妙愛, Beecher
   17     耶穌喜愛小孩, George F. Root
   18     古老福音, Evangel
   19     一日, Charles H. Marsh
   20     请对我说耶稣的故事, Stories of Jesus
   22     耶稣大爱深不可测, Ebenezer
   23     我的牧者, Resignation
   24     耶和華是我的牧者, Chinese Traditional Melody
   26     天父兒女, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
   29     How Firm a Foundation, Foundation
   30     奇妙圣经, Aletta
   32     靠近神的懷中, McAfee
   34     要告訴耶穌, Orwigsburg
   35     只要相信, Only Believe
   36     赞美三一真神, Flemming
   37     我靈鎮靜, Finlandia ©
   38     生命之道, Philip P. Bliss
   39     我听耶稣柔声说, Vox Dilecti
   40     基列的乳香, Spiritual
   41     将你的重担卸给神, Felix Mendelsshon
   43     My soul, in sad exile, Good Ship
   44     生命路程, Germany
   46     天父必看顧你, God Cares
   47     耶稣是否仍然看顾?, J. Lincoln Hall
   48     刻時刻刻, Whittle
   50     有福的確據, Assurance
   51     I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Ethelbert W. Bullinger
   52     藏身主里, Ira D. Sankey
   53     主是我牧者,我必不缺乏, Crimond
   54     信心使我得勝, Ira D. Sankey
   55     Love Divine, so great and wondrous, Else Ahlwen
   56     我心所信,却有根基, Norwegian Melody
   57     信靠耶稣, Ira D. Sankey
   58     我以信心仰望你 , Olivet
   59     I heard an old, old story, Hartford
   61     救主威容, Thomas Hastings
   62     倚靠主永遠膀臂, Showalter
   63     昨日、今日,到永远, Nyack
   64     信靠耶穌真是甜美, William J. Kirkpatrick
   67     在十架, Hudson
   68     I'll live for him, Dunbar
   69     堅古磐石, William B. Bradbury
   70     永久磐石, Toplady
   71     我心得满足, Satisfied
   72     在各各他, Daniel B. Towner
   73     每一天, Blott En Dag
   74     恩典大过我罪, Moody
   75     奇異恩典, American Melody
   76     比雪更白 , Fischer
   78     耶穌奇妙的救恩, Haldor Lillenas
   79     暴風雨中之避難所, Ira D. Sankey
   80     千古保障 , St. Anne
   81     堅固保障 , Ein' Feste Burg
   82     祂藏我靈 , William J. Kirkpatrick
   83     面对面, Grant C. Tullar
   84     当我们回到天家, Emily D. Wilson
   85     是否记下我的名?, Frank M. Davis
   86     靠恩得救, George C. Stebbins
   87     豈可空手回天家, George C. Stabbins
   89     求主同在 , Eventide
   91     O, that will be glory for me, Glory Song
   92     荣耀颂, Gloria Patri
   93     保惠師已經來 , Comforter
   94     Blessed Quietness, W.S. Marshall
   95     恳求圣灵如鸽降临, Grafenberg
   97     神真美好, African Melody
   99     Holy Ghost, with light Divine, Mercy
 100     上主之灵,恳求降临, Morecambe
 101     充满我, John R. Sweeny
 106     以馬內利來臨, Veni Emmanuel
 107     万口欢唱, Azmon
 108     Come and Praise, Traditional
 110     凡有血气皆当静默, Picardy
 111     神爱世上的人, Alfred B. Smith
 112     我希奇的思想, Appalachian Carol
 113     Be still and know that I am God, Unknown
 114     主曾离宝座, Margaret
 115     圣诞佳音, English Melody
 116     何等喜乐, Jungst
 117     普世歡騰, Antioch
 119     聽啊,天使高聲唱, Mendelssohn
 120     馬槽歌, James R. Murray
 121     馬槽歌, Cradle song
 122     小伯利恒, St. Louis
 123     是何婴孩, Greensleeves
 124     圣婴柔和,圣婴谦卑, W. Zlobie Lezy
 125     明星燦爛, Liang Ch-Fang
 126     明月寒星, Bliss Wiant
 127     最美麗聖名, Mabel J. Camp
 128     东方三博士, John H. Hopkins
 129     向前走, Chinese Melody
 131     Angels from the realms of glory, Regent Square
 132     信徒们当欢欣, In Dulci Jubilo
 133     While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Christmas
 134     夜半歌声, Carol
 135     请听天使在高唱, Gloria
 136     齊來,宗主信徒, Adeste Fideles
 137     到各山岭去传扬, American Folk Song
 138     平安夜﹐聖善夜, Stille Nacht
 139     啊!圣善夜, Adolphe Adam
 141     但我知道, Londonderry Air
 142     对我述说耶稣故事, John R. Sweney
 143     我是否要背负十架, Arlington
 144     加利利陌生人, C.H. Morris
 145     谷中百合花, William S. Hays
 146     耶稣,爱我灵的主, Aberystwyth
 147     普天之下万族万民, Old 100th
 148     我真稀奇, Charles H. Gabriel
 149     我神,你是何等奇妙, Thomas Hasting
 151     我要歌颂我救赎主, James McGranahan
 152     颂主大爱, Lelta N. Morris
 153     奇哉,耶稣爱我, Philip P. Bliss
 154     耶稣圣名何等美善, St. Peter
 156     耶稣必做万国君王, Duke Street
 157     纪念主名, Precious Name
 164     耶稣,每逢想念你, St. Agnes
 165     我有一友,何等良友, Friend
 166     无友可比, George C. Hugg
 167     耶稣,罪人奇妙良友, Hyfrydol
 168     哈利路亚,奇妙救主, Philip P. Bliss
 169     高唱和散那, Ellacombe
 170     无量赞美荣光, St. Theodulph
 171     衆城门哪,抬起头来, Truro
 172     哦!至圣之首受创伤, Passion Chorale
 173     Worthy is the Lamb, Don Wyrtzen ©
 174     我曾舍命为你, Philip P. Bliss
 176     耶稣,耶稣, Traditional
 178     耶稣,真神儿子, G.T. Haywood
 180     慈爱的救主, Harry D. Loes
 181     耶稣独自行走, Traditional Spiritual
 182     怎能如此, Sagina
 183     美哉主耶穌, Crusader's Hymn
 184     Jesus Loves Me, William B. Bradbury
 185     在十架上, John H. Stockton
 186     为我受伤, W.G. Owens
 187     古舊十架, George Bernard
 188     我每思念十字宝架, Hamburg
 189     有一活泉,充满宝血, Belmont
 190     Are You Washed in the Blood?, Elisha A. Hoffman
 191     主,祢犠性的愛, Robert Lowry
 192     寶架清影 , St. Christopher
 193     主替我舍身, All to Christ
 194     哀哉主流宝血为我, Martyrdom
 195     你在哪里?, American Folk Melody
 196     There Is a Green Hill Far Away, Green Hill
 198     十字架, William H. Doane
 199     The unveiled Christ, N.B. Herrell
 200     哈利路亞歸十架, James McGranahan
 201     哈利路亞, Unknown
 202     我罪怎能得洗净, Plainsfield
 203     耶稣的宝血和公义, Germany
 204     主恩更多, William J. Kirkpatrick
 205     耶稣圣名 , Edmund S. Lorenz
 206     何等奇妙的救主, Benton Harbor
 207     Christ whose glory fills the skies, Lux Prima
 208     Jesus Christ is risen today, Llanfair
 209     祂是神, Traditional
 210     主復活, Robert Lowry
 212     基督我主今复活, Easter Hymn
 215     祂是我灵的救主, Spanish Melody
 216     Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Regent Square
 217     Christ Returneth!, James McGranahan
 220     Is it the crowning day?, Glad Day
 222     若今日来如何? , Lelia N. Morris
 226     全能真神万福恩源, Nettleton
 227     我口发出,天韵歌声 , Manoah
 228     永生神是灵,智慧无限, St. Denio
 229     Rise up, O men of God, Festal Song
 231     赞美上主,全能真神, Lobe Den Herren
 232     When morning gilds the skies, Laudes Domini
 233     圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!全能大主宰, Nicea
 235     大哉,圣哉,耶稣尊名, Coronation
 236     大哉,圣哉,耶稣尊名, Diadem
 236/1  O worship the Lord, Robert G. McCrutchan
 237     大哉,圣哉,耶稣尊名, Miles Lane
 238     亞伯拉罕的神, Leoni
 239     诸天当赞美主, Faben
 240     赞美救主真神, Kremser
 241     齐来同敬拜, Lyons
 242     我的心哪,当称颂主,
 243     荣耀归于天父, William H. Doane
 244     赞美我主极大权能, Ellacombe
 245     圣徒齐来歌唱, Madrid
 246     主手所造, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 247     Jesus calls us o'er the tumult, Galilee
 248     来拥戴主为王, Diademata
 249     我灵赞美天上君王, Andrews
 250     I know a fount, O. Cook
 254     赞美!赞美, Chester G. Allen
 255     Come, Thou almighty King, Italian Hymn
 256     三一颂, Old 100th
 257     O could I speak the matchless worth, Ariel
 259     颂赞主圣名, Ralph E. Hudson
 260     赞美耶稣 , Margaret J. Harris
 261     O for a heart to praise my God, Richmond
 262     Christ, we all adore Thee, Adore Thee
 263     我奇妙救主, Haldor Lillenas
 264     快乐欢欣向主敬拜, Hymn to Joy
 266     赞美上主大荣耀, Llanfair
 267     Praise the Savior, ye who know Him, Acclaim
 268     感谢神, Tack O Gud
 269     三一頌, Old 100th
 270     数主恩典, Edwin O. Excell
 271     我们同心聚集 , Kremser
 272     赞美真神, Grosser Gott
 273     O let your soul now be filled, Ransomed Soul
 274     Come Ye Thankful People Come, St. George's Windsor
 276     欢欣感谢, Marion
 277     欢欣,主为君王, Darwall's 148th
 278     We Plow the Fields and Scatter, Wir Pflugen
 279     凭祢旨意行,主!, Adelaide
 280     Lord, lay some soul, David H.Johnston
 281     耶稣我来, George C. Stebbins
 282     耶稣温柔慈声, Will L. Thompson
 283     任领何往, Norris
 284     主,我要回家, William J. Kirkpatrick
 285     领我到骷髅地, William J. Kirkpatrick
 286     O love that will not let me go, St. Margaret
 287     我奉献所有 , Surrender
 288     主耶稣,我曾应许, Angel's Story
 289     Little is much, when God, Mrs. F.W. Suffield
 290     都归耶稣 , Constancy
 291     我一生求主管理 , Hendon
 292     将祢最好的献於主, Charlotte A. Barnard
 293     向主献呈, Schumann
 294     是否将一切献上 , Elisha A. Hoffman
 295     奉献上好 , Grant C. Tullar
 296     我已经决定要跟随耶稣, Indian Folk Melody
 297     活着为耶稣真平安, C.F. Weigle
 298     为主而活 , C. Harold Lowden
 299     求主管理我的心意, Hall
 301     谁顺从主耶稣? , Armageddon
 302     主翅膀下, Hingham
 304     照我本相 , Woodworth
 305     我时刻需要祢 , Need
 306     主,我愿做你信徒, American Melody
 307     你是否肯?救主问道, Beacon Hill
 308     只要信祂, Minerva
 309     洁净我 , Maori
 310     求主垂怜 , William H. Doane
 311     I lay my sins on Jesus, Crucifix
 312     贫穷罪人到主前, Beach Spring
 314     Jesus is calling, George C. Stebbins
 315     Let Jesus come into your heart, McConnelsville
 316     Heavenly Sunshine, arr Charles E. Fuller
 318     我要耶稣, Charles H. Gabriel
 320     祷告良辰, William B. Bradbury
 321     Almost persuaded, Almost
 322     主禱文, Malotte
 324     大山可以挪移, John E. Su
 325     告诉耶稣, Edmund S. Lorenz
 326     He answers every prayer, C. Austin Miles
 327     耶稣恩友, Erie
 329     信靠順服, Daniel B. Towner
 330     神的路, Lida S. Leech
 331     祂自己, A.B. Simpson
 332     主啊!我属祢 , William H. Doane
 333     主耶稣,我爱祢, Gordon
 334     Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts, Quebec
 335     成圣须要工夫, Longstaff
 336     O Master, let me walk with Thee, Maryton
 337     助我进深 , C.P. Rose
 338     我愿常见祢, Slane
 339     向高处行, Charles H. Gabriel
 341     Fill Thou my life, Richmond
 342     主我愿像祢, Christlike
 343     更像我恩主, Charles H. Gabriel
 346     多多认识耶稣, Sweney
 347     求主指示祢的道路 , Camacha
 349     因祢的慈爱比生命更好 , Hugh Mitchell
 352     想起难舍, Unknown
 353     亲近,更亲近 , Morris
 354     开我的眼,使我看见, Clara H. Scott
 355     Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Vivian Kretz
 356     In heavenly love abiding, Seasons
 357     奇妙平安, W.G. Cooper
 358     有平安在我心 , Will L. Murphy
 359     我心灵得安宁, Ville Du Havre
 360     安乐无休, Wye Valley
 361     Jesus gives me peace, Chinese Folk Melody
 362     神未曾应许, William M. Runyan
 363     Lord, make me an instrument, Eternal Life
 364     信徒们都当向主委身, Beach Spring
 366     凡敬爱主的人到主前来, Marching to Zion
 367     彼此联合, Dennis
 369     In Christ there is no East or West, St. Peter
 370     使我复兴 , John J. Husband
 371     先贤之信, St. Catherine
 372     Savior again to Thy dear Name we raise, Ellers
 373     All praise to Thee, my God, Tallis' Canon
 374     今将散去,求主赐福, Sicilian Mariners
 375     天上父神,何等圣洁, Holy Manna
 376     荣耀真神恩惠之主, CWM Rhondda
 377     完全的爱 , Joseph Barnby
 378     This child we dedicate to Thee, Federal Street
 379     We dedicate this temple, Aurelia
 381     教會唯一的根基, Aurelia
 382     快乐家庭, St. Agnes
 383     耶稣基督坚固根基 , Regent Square
 387     The Wise May Bring Their Learning, Forest Green
 388     齐来感谢主 , Nun Danket
 389     Break Thou the Bread of Life, Bread of Life
 390     Let us break bread together, American Folk Melody
 391     主, 我们在此面对面 , Penitentia
 392     A hymn of joy we sing, Schumann
 394     生命灵气 , Blomqvist
 395     There Shall be Showers of Blessings, James McGranahan
 396     主,我愿更亲近你, Traditional
 397     在花园中 , C. Austin Miles
 398     主我相属, James Mountain
 400     Anywhere with Jesus, Security
 401     永恒君王, Lancashire
 406     救世主凡事引导 , Robert Lowry
 407     众圣徒之歌, Sine Nomine
 408     哦!我真爱耶稣, American Melody
 410     愛主更深, William H. Doane
 413     靠近主, Silas J. Vail
 414     我要唱耶和华的大慈爱 , J.H. Fillmore
 416     耶稣是我亲爱牧人, Bradbury
 418     耶稣领我, William B. Bradbury
 419     耶和华,求祢引领, CWM Rhondda
 420     兴起为耶稣 , Webb
 421     岂能让主独背十字架, Maitland
 422     基督精兵, St. Gertrude
 424     Footprints of Jesus, Asa B. Everett
 425     求主领我 , Frank M. Davis
 426     神一路引领 , G.A. Young
 429     慈光导引, John B. Dykes
 430     救主为我预备道路, Haldor Lillenas
 431     Follow On, Robert Lowry
 434     Lord speak to me, Canonbury
 437     你心中有空处为主吗?, C.C. Williams
 439     在我心里常吟赞美歌, Elton M. Roth
 440     Speak, Lord, in the stillness, Quietude
 444     There is sunshine in my soul, Sunshine
 445     祂使我欢乐歌不停, Sweetest Name
 446     I will sing the wondrous story, Peter P. Bilhorn
 448     深知所信, El Nathan
 449     Only a sinner, Daniel B. Towner
 450     主啊!我今来 , Lewis Hartsough
 451     耶稣同在就是天堂 , J.M. Black
 453     祂拯救我 , Charles H. Gabriel
 454     Love lifted me, Howard E. Smith
 456     自耶稣来住在我心, McDaniel
 458     Since I have been redeemed, Othello
 459     救迹 , Redeemed
 461     赶快去传福音, William H. Doane
 463     我们有一故事传给万邦 , Message
 464     Far, far away, in sin and darkness, Go Ye
 465     我爱传讲主福音 , Hankey
 466     马其顿呼声 , All Saints, new
 467     任主差派, Carrie E. Rounsefell
 468     信徒奋兴, Tidings
 472     世界的光是耶稣 , P.P. Bliss
 473     Hear the voice of Jesus calling, Ripley
 475     让人从你认识耶稣, B.B. McKinney
 477     Jesus saves, Jesus Saves
 479     快发光, McCabe
 482     我若赚得世界, True Riches
 483     我若赚得世界, Elizabeth
 484     快乐日 , Edward F. Rimbault
 485     再相会, William G. Tomer
 487     为你祈求 , Intercession
 488     天父我神, National Hymn
 489     我的眼睛已經看見 , Battle Hymn of the Republic
 490     The Lord Bless You and Keep You, Benediction
 491     荣耀归神, Unknown
 492     Amen, Louis Bourgeois
 493     Amen - twofold, Dresden
 494     Amen - threefold, Traditional
 498     荣耀主圣名, Donna Adkins ©
 502     Holy, O Lord most High, Chautauqua
 505     们愿向主敬拜, Traditional
 506     Hear our prayer, O Lord, George Whelpton
 507     神掌权, Leonard W. Smith
 515     来到主面前,
 520     释放我灵 ,
 522     奇妙的,奇妙的耶稣, Benjamin A. Baur
 524     His Name is Jesus,
 527/1  Amen - threefold, Denmark

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