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PDF SCORE LIST - starting with O
Click on the tune name to see all songs, score and music files for that selected tune
Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title
No tune name, O 'twas wondrous love
No tune name, O Blessed Jesus and Lord
No tune name, O Blessed Jesus and Lord
No tune name, O blessed Saviour, Son of God
No tune name, O Boundless Salvation
No tune name, O brother, the millions are dying in sin
No tune name, O Christ, in Thee my soul has found
No tune name, O Christ, my King
No tune name, O Christian, awake!
No tune name, O Creator, bless our country
No tune name, O distressed soul
No tune name, O enlightened Spirit, lead us now
No tune name, O Enlightened Spirit, we long for You
No tune name, O every time I feel the Spirit
No tune name, O eyes that are weary
No tune name, O Father! Show us Thy mercy
No tune name, O Father, bless Madagascar
No tune name, O Father, my Father, I call on Your Name
No tune name, O for a heart that is whiter than snow!
No tune name, O God of love to Thee we bow
No tune name, O God, Merciful Father
No tune name, O Golgotha! Good Golgotha!
No tune name, O happy day, that fixed my choice
No tune name, O head once full of bruises
No tune name, O how great His Salvation
No tune name, O how I love Jesus
No tune name, O Image of Perfection
No tune name, O Jehovah! Thou looked into me
No tune name, O Jesu source of life
No tune name, O Jesu! Come down to us
No tune name, O Jesu! O Jesu! Our hearts love Thee
No tune name, O Jesu! O Jesu! Our hearts love Thee
No tune name, O Jesu! Thou took my heart
No tune name, O Jesu, my Friend
No tune name, O Jesu, my Friend
No tune name, O Jesu, Son of the Creator
No tune name, O Jesu, source of life
No tune name, O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me
No tune name, O Jesus Lord of Life
No tune name, O Jesus! Bless our labour
No tune name, O Jesus! We, who are invited, are here
No tune name, O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!
No tune name, O Jesus, my heart is delighted
No tune name, O Jesus, Saviour, hear my call
No tune name, O land of rest, for thee I sigh
No tune name, O let us rejoice in the Lord
No tune name, O let your soul now be filled
No tune name, O listen to our wondrous story
No tune name, O Lord Creator, how Glory you have
No tune name, O Lord Creator, we thank Your Name
No tune name, O Lord Jehovah! We are lost people
No tune name, O Lord Most High
No tune name, O Lord! Make all universe new
No tune name, O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me
No tune name, O Lord, remember me
No tune name, O Lord, the dry land
No tune name, O lost people, your time will not be wasted
No tune name, O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!
No tune name, O my Father, O my Father
No tune name, O my merciful Father, here are Your children
No tune name, O my merciful Father, here are Your children
No tune name, O now I see the cleansing wave
No tune name, O power of love
No tune name, O safe to the Rock that is higher
No tune name, O Saviour Lord!
No tune name, O sinners, think well over
No tune name, O sinners, think well over
No tune name, O sinners, think well over
No tune name, O solemn hour
No tune name, O sometimes the shadows are deep
No tune name, O tell me more of Christ
No tune name, O the bitter shame and sorrow
No tune name, O the unsearchable riches of Christ
No tune name, O there's no sorrow in heaven
No tune name, O there'll be joy when the work is done
No tune name, O think of the home over there
No tune name, O Thou my soul, Bless God the Lord
No tune name, O troubled heart, be thou not afraid
No tune name, O Victory in Jesus
No tune name, O what a blessing, how can I express it
No tune name, O what a Savior that He died for Me!
No tune name, O when the saints
No tune name, O where are the reapers?
No tune name, O worship the Lord
No tune name, O ye dry bones
No tune name, O young ones, your country is waiting you
No tune name, O! Bless our family
No tune name, O! Full of mercy and full of love
No tune name, O! Hard is the way to the salvation
No tune name, O! Jesus, He is beautiful
No tune name, O! Lord Jehovah, bless and improve our nation
No tune name, O! O! O! how good is the Lord
No tune name, O! Stand up and work now
No tune name, O! The whole country
No tune name, O'er death's sea, in yon blest city
No tune name, O, beautiful, mysterious night
No tune name, O, believers! Be on your guard
No tune name, O, Christ, give us true peace
No tune name, O, Christian people, trust in your Lord and King
No tune name, O, dear and sweet Saviour!
No tune name, O, dear parents!
No tune name, O, Father, see Your children
No tune name, O, I love your heavenly light
No tune name, O, Jehovah who leads to life
No tune name, O, Jesu! Thou gave an heritage
No tune name, O, Jesu, we are delighted by Your Love
No tune name, O, Jesus our Assurance
No tune name, O, Jesus! We, who are invited, are here
No tune name, O, Lamb of God
No tune name, O, Let us sing, Jesus is born
No tune name, O, Lord! O, Your blessing!
No tune name, O, Lord, Your grace is incommensurable
No tune name, O, my Father who leads my life
No tune name, O, my Father! I am a pilgrim
No tune name, O, my pitiful friend
No tune name, O, people who will go to say a holy promise
No tune name, O, sinners who are weary and tired
No tune name, O, sleeping people! Wake up
No tune name, O, sweet Father
No tune name, O, sweet Jehovah and Father
No tune name, O, the best Friend to have
No tune name, O, this is a new year
No tune name, O, those who are thirsty, come to Me!
No tune name, O, wonderful church
No tune name, O, world, the Holy and Mighty Lord is calling
No tune name, Of Jesus' love that sought me
No tune name, Oft before the Lord
No tune name, Oh what will you do with Jesus?
No tune name, Oh! Do not let the word depart
No tune name, Oh! He's coming back again
No tune name, Oh! We love to dwell with You
No tune name, Oh, have we grieved Thee
No tune name, Oh, Hosanna
No tune name, Oh, I see the narrow road
No tune name, Oh, my God, give me heart
No tune name, Oh, what a wonderful Saviour
No tune name, Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful rest!
No tune name, Oh, yes! I'm saved, and I know it
No tune name, Olives that have known no pressure
No tune name, On a hill far away
No tune name, On Calvary’s brow my Savior died
No tune name, On His throne
No tune name, On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
No tune name, On that bright and golden morning
No tune name, On the Galilean shore
No tune name, On the happy, golden shore
No tune name, On the shore beyond the sea
No tune name, On toward the goal!
No tune name, Once far from God
No tune name, Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters
No tune name, Once in Bethlehem a Baby was born
No tune name, Once it was the blessing
No tune name, Once my way was dark and dreary
No tune name, Once our blessed Christ of beauty
No tune name, Once upon the tide I drifted
No tune name, One day when heaven was filled with His praises
No tune name, One morning was the Redeemer
No tune name, One there is above all others
No tune name, One there is above all others
No tune name, One there is Who loves thee
No tune name, Only believe
No tune name, Only thing will be looked for
No tune name, Only Thy presence, O Savior divine
No tune name, Open mine eyes, O Lord
No tune name, Open the door of your heart
No tune name, Open your hearts
No tune name, Others saw the giants
No tune name, Our Father in heaven
No tune name, Our Father who created the universe
No tune name, Our Father, full of loving
No tune name, Our lamps are trimmed and burning
No tune name, Our life is a valley of tears
No tune name, Our life is gloomy
No tune name, Our life is passing away
No tune name, Our Lord Creator, Thy Holiness
No tune name, Our Lord is now rejected
No tune name, Our Lord Jesus is born
No tune name, Our Lord Jesus was raised by the Father
No tune name, Our merciful Father
No tune name, Our Mighty Lord
No tune name, Our power, our strength
No tune name, Our sunlight
No tune name, Our voices will be to sing praise
No tune name, Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night
No tune name, Out of the depth to the glory above
O Dass Ich Tausend Zungen Hatte (Dretzel), By grace
O dass ich tausend Zungen hatte (Konig), O that I
O Du Liebe Meiner Liebe, Jesus, refuge of the weary
O Durchbrecher, Hail, O source of every blessing
O Esca Viatorium, O Food of men wayfaring
O Filii et Filiae, My daughters and my sons hear
O Filii et Filiae, O sons and daughters, let us
O God of Love, O for a thousand tongues to sing
O Gott, Du Frommer Gott, How can I thank You, Lord
O Gott, Du Frommer Gott, O God, forsake me not!
O Gott, Du Frommer Gott, O God, my faithful God
O Gott, Du Frommer Gott, O God, our faithful God
O Gott, Du Frommer Gott (Krieger), O God, my
O Grosser Gott, O God of God, O Light of Light
O Grosser Gott, Praise be to Christ, in whom we see
O Heiland, Reiss, O God, creation's secret
O Heiland, Reiss, O heavenly Word, eternal Light
O Heiland, Reiss Die Himmel Auf, O Saviour, rend the
O Heilige Dreifaltigkeit, O Trinity, most blessed
O Heiliger Geist, O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God
O Holy Night, Glory Day
O Invidenda Martyrum, O boundless Wisdom, God most
O Jerusalem, du Schone, O'er the distant
O Jesu, I look to thee in every need
O Jesu, The Lord in wisdom made the earth
O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein, O Jesus Christ, Thy
O Jesu Christ, mein's, Pour out Thy Spirit from
O Jesu Christe, Wahres Licht, O Christ, our true and
O Jesulein suss (arr Bach), O Jesus so sweet, O
O Jesus Mi Dulcissime, He wants not friends that
O Lamm Gottes, O Lamb of God most holy!
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, Lamb of God, pure and
O Mein Jesu, Ich Muss Sterben, Stricken, smitten,
O Mensch Sieh, By Jesus' grave on either hand
O Quanta Qualia, Blessing and honour and glory and
O Quanta Qualia, Lord, we have come at You own
O Salla Land, I look not back
O Salutaris, The Word of God, proceeding forth
O Sanctissima, O thou joyful, O thou wonderful
O Seigneur, When morning gilds the skies
O Traurigkeit, O darkest woe! Ye tears, forth flow!
O Traurigkeit, O sorrow deep! Who would not weep
O Waly Waly, When I survey the wondrous cross
O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen, O Bread of life from
O Welt, ich muss dich lassen, O Food to pilgrims
O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen, Upon the cross
O Wie Selig, O, how blest are they whose toils are
Oak, I'm but a stranger here, Heaven is my home
Obiit, God, whose city's sure foundation
Oblation, Wherefore, O Father
Ode to Joy, Sing to God new songs of worship
Offertorium, O Father, we would thank Thee
Old 100th, All people that on earth do dwell
Old 100th, From all that dwell below the skies
Old 100th, The Doxology
Old 104th, Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth
Old 104th, How wondrous and great Thy works
Old 107th, The roseate hues of early dawn
Old 112th, God of our fathers, known of old
Old 113th, I'll praise my maker while I've
Old 113th, Thou, Jesus, Thou my breast inspire
Old 117th, Lo! God is here! let us adore
Old 120th, Hail to the Lord who comes
Old 124th, Eternal Lord of love, behold Your Church
Old 124th, Turn back, O man, forswear thy
Old 124th, We will extol you, ever-blessed
Old 137th, How shall I sing that Majesty
Old 148th, On wings of living light
Old 22nd, O Unity of threefold light
Old 23rd, Where shall my wandering soul begin?
Old 25th, Thou art gone up on high
Old 44th, Jesus, if we aright confess
Old 81st, O praise our great and gracious Lord
Old German, O Jesus, my hope
Old-Time Power, Lord, as of old at Pentecost
Oldham Street, With joy we meditate the grace
Olives Brow, Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
Olivet, My faith looks up to Thee
Ombersley, God of all power, and truth, and grace
Ombersley, Head of the Church and Lord of all
Ombersley, O love of God, how strong and true!
Omni Die, Come, you people, come adore Him
Omni Die, For the bread which you have broken
Oneonta, Not always on the mount may we
Onward Go, Trusting in the Lord Thy God
Open Door, Whosoever, Anywhere
Ora Labora, Come, labour on, who dares stand idle
Oran Na Prasaich, Cradled in a manger, meanly
Orchid Bulb, Wind of the north, O now blow!
Oriel, Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Oriel, To the Name of our salvation
Orient, As with gladness men of old
Orientis Partibus, Jesus comes with all His grace
Orientus Partibus (St. Martin), Conquering kings
Orientus Partibus (St. Martin), Father, Lead me day
Orlington, The Lord's my Shepherd
Ortonville, Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Orwigsburg, I must tell Jesus
Oslo, Brief life is here our portion
Ossett, Eternal depth of love divine
Othello, I have a song I love to sing
Otterbourne, Brethren in Christ, and well beloved
Our God Reigns, How lovely on the mountains are the
Oxford New, O lift us up, strong Son of God

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