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PDF SCORE LIST - starting with P
Click on the tune name to see all songs, score and music files for that selected tune
Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title
No tune name, Panis Angelicus
No tune name, Pass me not, O gentle Savior
No tune name, Peace is flowing like a river
No tune name, Peace like a river
No tune name, Perfect Salvation Jesus gives us
No tune name, Perhaps it sounds
No tune name, Please God, help me
No tune name, Praise and unceasing praise!
No tune name, Praise God, O universe
No tune name, Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him in the morning
No tune name, Praise Jehovah
No tune name, Praise the Lord
No tune name, Praise the Lord, all ye nations
No tune name, Praise ye the Father! Let every heart give thanks
No tune name, Praise ye the Lord
No tune name, Praise, glory, power are to You, Jesu
No tune name, Praise, glory, power, honour
No tune name, Pray fervently and ask
No tune name, Pray on, pray on
No tune name, Pray the Lord from the morning
No tune name, Pray till the coming of the Lord
No tune name, Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
No tune name, Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
No tune name, Precious Moments We Share
No tune name, Precious promise God hath given
No tune name, Precious Soul, Cease from Sadness
No tune name, Press onward
No tune name, Protect us, O Lord Jesus Christ!
No tune name, Purer in heart, O God
Paderborn, Because you have said: 'Do
Paderborn, O heavenly Jerusalem
Paderborn, Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Palestine, God the Father, be Thou near
Palgrave, Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!
Palmarum, Fling out the banner!
Palmer, Yield not to temptation
Palmyra, Thou art the Everlasting Word
Pange Lingua, Now my tongue the mystery
Pange Lingua, Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Pant-Gwyn, In Thee, Lord, we rejoice
Paradise (Barnby), O Paradise, O Paradise
Paradwys, The God and Father of every gift cares
Park Street, Before Jehovah's awful thone
Parker, Rejoice, the Lord of life ascends
Parker, The royal banners forward go
Parsifal, O King most high of earth and sky
Parting, Far round the world Thy children sing
Pass Me Not, God, who touchest earth with beauty
Passion Chorale, O sacred Head, once wounded
Pastor Bonus, At all times praise the Lord
Pastor Pastorum, Holy Spirit, hear us
Pater Omnium, We have not known Thee as we ought
Path Divine (Camacha), Teach me Thy way, O Lord
Patmos, Take my life and let it be
Patmos (Storer), I heard a sound of voices
Patten, Almighty Lord, with One Accord
Pavia, Jesu! The very thought is sweet
Pax, Now the laborer's task is o'er
Pax Dei, Father, again in Jesus' name we meet
Pax Dei, Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
Pax Tecum, Peace, perfect peace
Peace and Comfort, Does Jesus care
Peacefield, Jesus, Son of God most high
Pearce, When He shall come, resplendent
Pearsall, O Thou whose hand hath brought us
Peek, I would be true, for there are those who trust
Peel Castle, Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to
Pelham, God of unexampled grace
Pembroke, Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyes
Peniel, Thou, O God, the Holy One
Penitence, In the hour of trial, Jesus
Penitence, Jesus, let thy pitying eye
Penitentia, Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face
Penlan, In heavenly love abiding
Penmachno, On life's tempestuous sea I sail
Pentecost, Fight the good fight with all thy might
Pentecost (Lomas), Come, Holy Ghost, in love
Perfect Love, O perfect Love
Perry, The people who in darkness walked
Personent hodie, On this day earth shall ring
Petersen, May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Petersfield, Hark, my soul! It is the Lord
Petersham, We limit not the truth of God
Petition, Sometimes a light surprises
Pevensey, Far from all care
Philippi, Come, Holy Ghost, in love
Philippine, Lord of the home, your only Son
Philippines (Halad), Father in Heaven, grant to Your
Phos Hilaron, O Gracious Light, pure brightness
Picardy, Earth was waiting, spent and restless
Picardy, Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Picardy, Love will be our Lenten calling
Picardy, Praise we now the saints and martyrs
Pilgrim Brothers, God is with us
Pilgrimage, God almighty, in Thy temple
Pilgrims, Hark, Hark! my soul! Angelic songs are
Pilgrimssonger, O, people who is content yet with
Pisgah, Jesus, I love Thy charming Name
Pixham, Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
Plaistow, O Jesus Christ, from thee began
Pleading Saviour, Cradled in a manger
Pleading Saviour, Sing of Mary, pure and lowly
Pleyel's Hymn, Children of the heavenly King
Plymouth, O Lord, how happy should we be
Plymouth Dock, Come, let us with our Lord arise
Point Loma, Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit
Pomp and Circumstance, Christ is surely coming
Port Harcourt, Arise, young men, arise!
Portuguese Hymn (Adeste Fideles)), How firm a
Posen, Father, lead me day by day
Potsdam, How good, Lord, to be here!
Potsdam, Jesu, my Truth, my Way
Praetorius, Come sing, ye choirs exultant
Praetorius (Fur Dein), Lift up your heads, ye gates
Praise, Come on, my partners in distress
Praise, O glorious hope of perfect love!
Precious Name, Take the Name of Jesus with you
Pressburg, When this passing world is done
Pressburg (Nicht So Traurig), Now the
Prince Rupert, Hark! the voice eternal
Princethorpe, From the eastern moutains
Proch, Savior in thy love abiding
Promised Land, On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
Promises, Standing on the promises
Propior Deo, More love to Thee, O Christ!
Providence, God sees the little sparrow fall
Prysgol, I lay my sins on Jesus
Psa 86, Virgin born, we bow before Thee
Psalm 138, Thee will I love, my God and King
Psalm 22, When we are tempted
Psalm 32, Thy way, not mine, O Lord
Psalm 42 (Freu Dich Sehr), Comfort, comfort ye My
Psalm 6, O Food to pilgrims given
Psalm 67, O sing to the Lord
Psalm 68, The Lord ascendeth up on high
Puer Natus, A Babe Is Born in Bethlehem
Puer natus in Bethlehem, A child is born in
Puer Nobis, Unto us a boy is born
Puer Nobis, What star is this, with beams so bright
Puer Nobis (adapt Praetorius), On Jordan's
Puer Nobis (Praetorius), That Easter Day with joy
Puer Nobis Nascitur, O love how deep, how broad, how
Puer Nobis Nascitur, O splendor of God's
Pull for the shore, O Captain, how big are the
Pulling Bracken, Dance and sing, all the earth
Purleigh, Thee, Jesus, Thee, the sinner's
Purpose, God is working His purpose out

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