Vocal/Choral/Publisher SONG LIST BY FIRST LINE (By Jack Dorrestyn)
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It is wonderful to have a number of vocalists with a variety of styles freely contributing to the site.
I trust that you will find a style that suits your church.
Select songs with vocals by:
All Vocalists
Janet (JR)
Basil (BH)
Carol (CW)
Don (DF)
Choir (CFCM)
Jubilate Hymns (JH)
Tune names in yellow have been added within the last 30 days.
Song first line/Tune(s)
Song first line/Tune(s)
Song first line/Tune(s)
A brighter dawn is breaking , Nun Lasst Uns Gott
A few more years shall roll , Leominster
A great and mighty wonder , Es ist ein `ros
A little talk with Jesus makes it right , H. Wright
A man there lived in Galilee , Tyrolese
A mighty fortress is our God , Ein` Feste Burg
A new commandment I give unto you , unknown
A ruler once came to Jesus by night , G.C. Stebbins
A safe stronghold our God is still , Ein` Feste Burg
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord , William Kirkpatrick
Abide in Christ-this highest blessing gain , Fredrick C. Atkinson
Abide with me , Eventide
According to Thy gracious Word , Abbey, Bedford, Dalehurst
Ah, holy Jesus, How hast Thou offended , Rouen (Iste Confessor)
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended , Herzliebster Jesu
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed , Hudson, Martyrdom/Avon
All as God wills, who wisely heeds , St. Austin
All creatures of our God and King , Lasst Uns Erfreuen
All for Jesus , Constancy
All glory, laud and honor , St. Theodulph
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! , Coronation, Diadem, Miles Lane
All hail, ye little Martyr flowers , Sarratt
All in an Easter garden , Traditional
All my heart this night rejoices , Warum Sollt Ich Mich Denn Gramen
All my hope on God is founded , Meine Hoffnung, Michael
All my life I had a longing , R.E. Hudson
All people that on earth do dwell , Old 100th
All praise to Him who reigns above , Arr R. Hudson
All praise to our redeeming Lord , Lucius
All the way my Savior leads me , All the Way
All things bright and beautiful , Monk, Royal Oak
All things praise Thee, Lord most high , Te Laudant Omnia
All things which live below the sky , Rodmell
All to Jesus I surrender , Surrender
All ye that pass by , Wareham
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia , Unknown
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to Heaven , Lux Eoi
Alleluia! sing to Jesus! , Alleluia, Hyfrydol
Almost Persuaded , P.P. Bliss
Alone now going forth, O Lord , St. Mary
Am I a soldier of the cross , Arlington
Amazing Grace , Amazing Grace
Amid the trials that I meet , Edmund Simon Lorenz
Among us our beloved stands , Angel`s Song
And can it be that I should gain , Sagina
And did those feet in ancient time , Jerusalem
And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning , Zu Meinem Herrn
And now, O Father, mindful of the love , Unde Et Memores
Angel voices ever singing , Angel Voices
Angels from the realms of glory , Regent Square
Angels we have heard on high , Gloria (Iris)
Another year completed , Bremen
Another year is dawning , Another year, Aurelia, Cherry Tree Carol
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go , Daniel B. Towner, 1887
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted , E.S. Lorenz
Arise, O God, and shine , Rhosymedre
Around the throne of God a band , Abends
As the disciples, when Thy Son had left them , Diva Servatrix
As with gladness, men of old , Dix
At even, when the sun was set , Angelus
At the cross her station keeping , Mainz, Stabat Mater
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At the Lamb's high feast we sing , Salzburg-Hintze
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow , Evelyns, King`s Weston, Wye Valley (abr)
At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay , St. John
Author of life Divine , Author of Life, Gweedore, Wesley (Anon)
Awake, my soul, and with the sun , Morning Hymn
Awake, thou Spirit of the watchmen , Crasselius
Away in a manger , Cradle Song, Mueller
Be not dismayed whate'er betide , W.S. Martin
Be present, Holy Trinity , Adesto Sancta Trinitas
Be still and know that I am God , Anonymous
Be Thou my guardian and my guide , Abridge
Be Thou my Vision , Slane
Before Jehovah's awful thone , Park Street
Before the ending of the day , Te Lucis Ante Terminum
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme , Manoah, St. Magnus
Behold a little child , Arthur's Seat, Wheeler
Behold Me standing at the door , J.F. Knapp
Behold the amazing gift of love , Abridge
Behold the Bridegroom cometh , Second Mode Melody
Beneath the cross of Jesus , St. Christopher, Wilton Square
Bless the Lord, O my soul , unknown
Blessed assurance , Assurance
Blessed be the Everlasting God , Bishopthorpe
Blessed city, heavenly Salem , Oriel
Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs , Alta Trinita Beata, Holy Manna
Blessed Jesus, here we stand , St. Mark (Liebster Jesu)
Blessing and honour and glory and power , O Quanta Qualia
Blest are the pure in heart , Egham, Franconia
Blest be the tie that binds , Dennis
Book of Books, our people's strength , Liebster Jesu
Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed , Christopher (Ihr Gestirn'), Jesu, Jesu, du mein Hirt, W. D. Maclagan
Bread of the world, in mercy broken , Eucharistic Hymn, Rendez a Dieu, Sacrament
Break forth into joy O my soul , Anonymous
Break now the bread of life , Gottlieb
Break Thou the bread of life , Sherwin
Breathe on me, Breath of God , St. Beuno, Swabia, Trentham
Brethren, we have met to worship , Holy Manna
Brief life is here our portion , Thule
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning , Epiphany Hymn, Spean, Stewart
Brightest and best of the stars of the morning , Liebster Immanuel, Morning Star
Build on the Rock, the Rock that ever stands ,
Built on the Rock the Church shall stand , Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus
By and by we'll see the King , from `Songs of Triumph`
By Jesus' grave on either hand , O Mensch Sieh
By the Babylonian rivers , Kas Dziedaja
Captain of the saintly band , Vienna
Captains of the saintly band , Harts
Child in the manger , Bunessan
Children of Jerusalem , Infant Praise
Children of the heavenly King , Brasted, Pleyel's Hymn
Christ has for sin atonement made , E.A. Hoffman
Christ is coming! , Bryn Calfaria
Christ is made the sure Foundation , Regent Square, Westminster Abbey
Christ is Risen! Hallelujah , Morgenlied
Christ is surely coming , Pomp and Circumstance
Christ is the world's light , Christe Sanctorium
Christ is the world's Redeemer , Moville
Christ our Redeemer died on the cross , J.G. Foote
Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels , Coelites Plaudant
Christ the Lord is risen again! , Christ ist erstanden, Wurtemburg (1 Alleluia)
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Christ, the Lord, is risen today , Easter Hymn, Nassau, St. George's Windsor
Christ, we do all adore Thee , T. Dubois
Christ, whose glory fills the skies , Fred Til Bod, Heathlands, Lux Prima, Ministres De L'Eternel, Ratisbon
Christian, dost thou see them , Sohren, St. Andrew of Crete
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn , Yorkshire
City of God how broad and far , Richmond
Clap your hands, you people all , Ephraim
Come and see the shining hope , Marching through Georgia
Come, bless the Lord , Unknown
Come, Christians, join to sing , Madrid
Come, every soul by sin oppressed , Minerva/Trust
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire , St. Stephen
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire , J. H. Hopkins, Veni Creator
Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son , Vetter
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove , Graefenberg
Come into His presence, singing Alleluia , Unknown
Come, let us join our cheerful song , Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
Come, let us join our cheerful songs , Cheerful, Joseph Grigg, Nativity
Come let us sing of a wonderful love , Wonderful love
Come, O everlasting Spirit , Sicilian Mariners
Come, O Thou traveller unknown , Colchester, Wrestling Jacob
Come sing, ye choirs exultant , Ach Gott, vom Himmelreiche
Come, Thou Almighty King , Moscow
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing , Corinth, Nettleton
Come, Thou long expected Jesus , Hyfrydol, Stuttgart
Come to Calvary's holy mountain , Naar Mit Oie (Consolation)
Come to the Savior, make no delay , G.F. Root
Come unto Me, ye weary, and I will give you rest , Anthes
Come, we that love the Lord , Marching to Zion
Come with us, O blessed Jesus , Jesu Joy
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain , St. John Damascene
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy , Beach Springs, Restoration
Come, ye thankful people, come , St. George's Windsor
Come, you people, come adore Him , Omni Die
Come, you people, raise the anthem , Neander (Unser Herrscher)
Conquering kings their titles take , Orientis Partibus (St. Martin)
Courage, brother! do not stumble , Courage, Brother
Cradled in a manger , St. Winifred
Creator of the stars at night , Brockham
Creator Spirit, by whose aid , St. Catherine, Surrey
Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow , Cross of Jesus
Crown Him with many crowns , Diademata
Day by day, and with each passing moment , Blott En Dag
Days and moments quickly flying , Goldschmidt (O Der Alles)
Dear Christians, one and all rejoice , Nun Freut Euch
Dear Lord and Father of mankind , Georgia, Hermann, Repton, Rest
Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood , Lloyd
Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread , William V. Wallace
Dearest of all is He , Anonymous
Deep down into the depths , St. Agnes (Langran)
Deep in my heart there's a song , Unknown
Ding dong, merrily on high! , French Melody
Dismiss me not thy service, Lord , Brunswick
Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth , Old 104th, St. Merryn
Do you know Jesus, Our Lord , G.T. Haywood
Dost thou truly seek renown , Das Ist Meine Freude
Down at the cross where my Savior died , J.H. Stockton
Draw nigh and take the Body , Lammas
Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord , Adoro Te Devote, Draw Nigh, Garden
Dying with Jesus , Whittle-Moody
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Earth has many a noble city , Stuttgart
Encamped along the hills of light , I.D. Sankey
Eternal Father, strong to save , Melita
Face to face with Christ my Savior , G.C. Tullar
Fair waved the golden corn , Holyrood
Fairest Lord Jesus , Schonster Herr Jesu (Ascalon)
Faith of our fathers , St. Catherine
Far away the noise of strife , C.A Miles
Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling , J. McGranahan
Father God in heaven , Kum Ba Yah
Father God, the Lord, Creator , Waltham (Albert)
Father, hear the prayer we offer , Sussex
Father, let Thy kingdom come , Ephraim
Father most holy, merciful and loving , Charters (Angers)
Father most holy, merciful and tender , Christe du Beistand
Father of everlasting grace , Ascendit Deus
Father of heaven, whose love profound , Angelus, Rivaulx
Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord , Solomon
Father of men, in whom are one , Exeter
Father of mercies, in Thy Word , Beatitudo
Father, see thy children bending at thy throne , Adore Te (No. 2)
Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us , Philip Paul Bliss
Father, we thank Thee who hast planned , Les Commandemens de Dieu
Father, who on man dost shower , Charing
Father, whose everlasting love , Melcombe
Fear not, little flock , Paul Rader
Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep , St. Aelred, White Gates
Fierce was the wild billow , St. Issey
Fight the good fight with all thy might , Pentecost
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God , Richmond, St. Fulbert
Firmly I believe and truly , Sharon (Boyce)
Fling out the banner! , Palmarum
For all the saints , Sine Nomine
For all the saints, O Lord, who strove in Thee , Mount Ephraim
For God so loved the world , A.B. Smith
For the beauty of the earth , Dix, England`s Lane
For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee , Mountain Christians
For thee, O dear, dear country , Magdalena
For unto us a Child is born , Unknown
Forth in Thy name, O Lord , Antwerp
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go , Pixham, Song 34
Forty days and forty nights , Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Buckland, Heinlein
Forward! be our watchword , H. Alford
Freed from self and Adam's nature , Emmaler
From all that dwell below the skies , Illsley (Bishop)
From east to west, from shore to shore , Rouen, Summercourt
From every stormy wind that blows , Retreat
From glory to glory advancing , Sheen
From the eastern mountains , Princethorpe
From Thee all skill and science flow , Albano, Belgrave, Farnham, Land of Rest
Full Salvation! , CWM Rhondda
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild , Innocents
Gentle Mary laid her child , Tempus Adest Floridum
Give me a sight, O Saviour , Katherine A.M. Kelly
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning , Sing Hosanna
Give me the faith which can remove , Giessen
Give me the wings of faith to rise , Byzantium, Mylon
Give up the world, Christ to obtain , Anon
Give us, O God, the grace to see , Solothurn (Swiss)
Give us the wings of faith to rise , Song 67
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Glorious things of Thee are spoken , Austria
Glory be to Jesus , Boundary, Caswall
Glory to God in the highest , William Bradbury
Glory to thee, my God, this night , Tallis` Canon
Go, labour on! , Angel's Song (Song 34)
Go, tell it on the mountain , Go Tell it
Go to dark Gethsemane , Ajalon/Redhead/Petra
God be in my head , H.W. Davis
God be with you till we meet again , Randolph, W.G. Tomer
God bless Africa , T. Huddleston
God from on high has heard , St. Cecilia
God has not given us a spirit of fear , Lewis E. Jones
God holds the key to all unknown , Stebbins
God is a Name my soul adores , Deus Tuorum Militum (Grenoble)
God is building a house , Anon
God is in His temple , Arnsberg/ Groningen/ Wunderbarer
God is so good , Anon
God is working His purpose out , Benson
God loves you, and I love you , Anonymous
God make my life a little light , Sawley
God moves in a mysterious way , Irish
God of all grace, Thy mercy send , St. Gabriel
God of grace and God of glory , Regent Square, Rhuddlan
God of mercy, God of grace , Heathlands
God of our fathers, known of old , Lest we forget
God save America! New world of glory , Russian Hymn
God the Father, God the Son , Lebbaeus
God the Omnipotent! , Russia
God who made the earth , Ar Hyd Y Nos, Beechwood
God, who stretched the spangled heavens , Hymn to Joy
God, you are clothed with light , Harewood
Going home, moving on , Dvorak (New World)
Good Christians all, rejoice , In Dulci Jubilo
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost , Capetown, Charity, Dian
Great God of Wonders! , Carey, Sovereignty
Great God, we sing that mighty hand , Germany
Great God, what do I see and hear! , Luther's Hymn
Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah , CWM Rhondda
Hail, hargbinger of morn , Hail, hargbinger of morn
Hail, O Star that pointest , Ave Maris Stella
Hail the day that sees Him rise , Ascension, Llanfair, Wurtemberg
Hail to the Lord who comes , Old 120th
Hail to the Lord's annointed , Cruger
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu , Unknown
Hallelujah! sing to Jesus , Hallelujah, Hyfrydol
Happy are they, they that love God , Binchester
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding. , Merton
Hark, Hark! my soul! Angelic songs are swelling , Pilgrims
Hark, my soul, how everything , Lyne
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord , Campian, St. Bees, White Ladies Aston
Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes , Bristol, Chesterfield, St. Saviour
Hark! The herald angels sing , Mendelssohn
Hark the sound of holy voices , Moultrie
Hasten the time appointed , Lancashire
Have Thine own way, Lord! , Adelaide
Have you any room for Jesus? , C.C. Williams
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power , Washed in the Blood
He is Lord, He is Lord , Unknown
He is my everything , Unknown
He is risen, He is risen! , Neander (Unser Herrscher)
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He leadeth me , He leadeth me
He sat to watch o'er customs paid , Breslau
Head of the Church and Lord of all , Ombersley
Hear our prayer, O Lord , Whelpton
Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims , Wigton
Heavenly Father, I appreciate you , Unknown
Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing , Tyrolese Air
Here from the world we turn , Tryst
Here is love vast as the ocean , E. Lowry
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face , Congleton, Farley Castle, Penitentia, Toulon
He's all I need , unknown
He's got the whole world in His hands , Spiritual
His are the thousand sparkling rills , Isleworth
His Name is higher than any other , Unknown
Ho, my comrades! see the signal , P.P. Bliss
Hold Thou my hand! so weak I am , H.P. Main
Hold thou my hands! , Miserere Mei
Holy Bible, book divine , Aletta
Holy Father, in thy mercy , Eastergate, St. Helen's, Westridge
Holy God, we praise Thy Name , Grosser Gott
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord , Unknown
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! , Nicea
Holy Jesus! God of love! , Freuen Wir Uns
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling , Holy Manna
Holy Spirit, hear us , Pastor Pastorum
Holy Spirit, Light divine , Mercy
Holy Spirit, Truth divine , Lew Trenchard
Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit , Fill me now
How beauteous are their feet , Day of praise
How bright appears the Morning Star , Frankfort (Wie Schon Leuchtet)
How firm a Foundation , Foundation
How good, Lord, to be here! , Carlisle
How great is our God , Anon
How lovely is thy dwelling-place , Anon
How pleased and blest was I , Ascalon (Crusader's Hymn, St. Elizabeth)
How shall I follow Him I serve , St. Gregory
How shall I sing that Majesty , Old 137th
How shall I sing that majesty which angels do admire , Soll's Sein
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds , St. Peter
Hush now my child , Skye boat song
Hushed was the evening hymn , Samuel
I am coming to the cross , William Gustavus Fischer
I am not skilled to understand , Ewhurst
I am not worthy, holy Lord , Leicester
I am resolved no longer to linger , J.H. Fillmore
I am so glad that Jesus loves me , P. Bliss
I am so happy in Christ today , Sewell
I am Thine, O Lord , W. H. Doane
I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus , Bullinger, Cuttle Mills
I am weak but Thou art strong , Closer walk
I can hear my Saviour calling , Norris
I cannot tell why He Whom angels worship , Londonderry Air
I come to the garden alone , Garden
I gave my life for thee , Kenosis
I have a Saviour - He's pleading in glory , I.D. Sankey
I have a song I love to sing , Othello
I have decided to follow Jesus , Assam
I have found a deep peace , Wonderful Lord
I have found a friend in Jesus , W.S. Hays
I hear the Saviour say , All to Christ
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I hear Thy welcome voice , L. Hartsough
I heard an old, old story , Hartford
I heard the bells on Christmas day , Waltham
I heard the voice of Jesus say , Kingsfold, Vox Dilecti
I hunger and I thirst , Ibstone
I know a fount where sins are washed away , O. Clarke
I know not why God's wondrous grace , J. McGranahan
I know of a Name, a beautiful Name , M.J. Camp
I know that my Redeemer lives , Church Triumphant, Duke Street, Philippine
I know that my Redeemer liveth , J.H. Fillmore
I lay my sins on Jesus , Crucifix, Munich, Prysgol
I look to thee in every need , O Jesu
I love Thee , Jeremiah Ingall
I love to hear the story , Angels` Story
I love to tell the story , Eaton Square (Hankey)
I must tell Jesus , Orwigsburg
I need Jesus, my need I now confess , C.H. Gabriel
I need Thee every hour , Need
I saw the Cross of Jesus , Whitfield
I sing the almighty power of God , London New
I sing the mighty power of God , Ellacombe, Varina
I stand amazed in the presence , C.H. Gabriel
I take my portion from Thy hand , Anon
I think when I read that sweet story of old , Luke
I want to walk with Jesus Christ all my days , Swiss Melody
I was once a sinner, but I came , C.A. Miles
I was sinking deep in sin , H.E. Smith
I will sing of Jesus' love , F.E. Belden
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord , Unknown
I will sing the wondrous story , Hyfrydol
If I gained the world , Swedish Melody
If you are tired of the load of your sin , McConnelsville
If you believe and I believe , Zimbabwe
If you but trust in God , Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott (Neumark)
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath , Monmouth
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord , Jackson, R.E. Hudson
I'm pressing on the upward way , C.H. Gabriel
Immortal, invisible, God only wise , St. Denio
Immortal Love, for ever full , Bishopthorpe, Serenity, Stracathro
In Christ there is no east or west , McKee
In full and glad surrender , St. Alphege
In God, my faithful God , Auf Meinen Lieben Gott
In heaven above , Hauge
In heavenly love abiding , Penlan, Seasons (Mendelssohn)
In loving kindness Jesus came , C.C. Gabriel
In my heart there rings - Jesus, Jesus Jesus! , Roth/Unknown
In our work and in our play , Ashburton
In Revelation two and three , Robert A. Schumann
In shady green pastures, so rich and so sweet , God leads us
In the bleak mid-winter , Cranham
In the Cross of Christ I Glory , Rathbun, St. Oswald, Wychbold
In the harvest field now ripened , Mrs F.W. Suffield
In the hour of my distress , Holy Comfort
In the hour of trial, Jesus , Penitence
In the little village of Bethlehem , Neidlinger
In the Name of Jesus , Unknown
In the Word of God I found it , Anon
In Thee is gladness , In Dir Ist Freude
Infant Holy, Infant lowly , Infant Holy
Is your life a channel of blessings , H.G. Smith
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It came upon a midnight clear , Carol
It is a thing most wonderful , Brookfield, Herongate
It is finished! Christ hath known , Jesu Meines Glaubens Zier, Sebastian
It is good to sing Thy praises , Ellesdie
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking , J. McGranahan
It may not be on the mountain's height , C.E. Rounsefell
It passeth knowledge , Ephesian
It was for me the Savior died , Myrtle Bates
It's a lovely, lovely Name , Unknown
It's a new and living way , Unknown
It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord , Spiritual
I've found a Friend, O such a Friend , Constance
I've found a Friend, Oh, such a Friend! , Friend
I've found a friend who is all to me , J.P. Scholfield
I've wandered far away from God , W. Kirkpatrick
Jerusalem the golden , Ewing
Jesu, grant me this, I pray , Song 13
Jesu, Lord of life and glory , Llanilar, St. Raphael
Jesu, meek and gentle , Belsize
Jesu, meek and lowly , St. Martin
Jesu, our hope, our heart's desire , Metzler's Redhead
Jesu, to Thee our hearts we lift , Cheshunt College
Jesus! and shall it ever be , Federal Street
Jesus bids us shine , E.O.Excell
Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult , Galilee (Jude), Herald, St. Catherine (Flood James)
Jesus Christ is alive today , Anon
Jesus Christ is risen today , Easter Hymn, Llanfair
Jesus comes with all His grace , Orientis Partibus, Savannah
Jesus, gentlest Saviour, God of might and power , Eudoxia
Jesus, good above all other , Quem Pastores
Jesus high in Glory , North Coates
Jesus I am resting, resting , Resting
Jesus, I my cross have taken , W.A. Mozart
Jesus is all the world to me , Elizabeth
Jesus is coming to earth again , L.N. Morris
Jesus is tenderly calling thee home , G.C. Stebbins
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus , Unknown
Jesus, keep me near the cross , W. H. Doane
Jesus lives, and so shall I , Jesu, Meine Zuversicht
Jesus lives! your terror now , St. Albinus
Jesus, lover of my soul , Aberystwyth, Hollingside, Martyn
Jesus loves me! , China
Jesus may come today , C.H. Marsh
Jesus, meek and gentle , St. Constantine
Jesus, Name all names above , St. Theoctistus
Jesus! Name of wondrous love , Louez Dieu
Jesus' name! Oh, let me sing it , Zulu Melody
Jesus, priceless treasure , Jesu, Meine Freude
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun , Duke Street, Rimington
Jesus, Son of Mary, fount of life alone , Dul Aluinn, Swahili
Jesus stand among us , Caswall (Bemerton), Gott Ein Vater, North Coates
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me , Brocklesbury (Brocklesby), Evening Prayer
Jesus the Lord said, 'I am the bread.. , Yisu Ne Kaha (Urdu Tune)
Jesus, the very thought of Thee , St. Agnes (Dykes)
Jesus, these eyes have never seen , Beatitudo
Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts , Hesperus (Quebec), St. Luke, St. Sepulchre
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness , Fulda (Germany)
Jesus walked this lonesome valley , American Spiritual
Jesus, what a Friend of sinners , Hyfrydol
Jesus, with Thy Church abide , St. Katrine, Tres Magi De Gentibus
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Join all the glorious names , Darwall, Warsaw
Joy to the world, the Lord is come! , Antioch
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee , Hymn to Joy
Joys are flowing like a river , W.S. Marshall
Judge eternal, throned in splendour , Rhuddlan, St. Leonard (Bach)
Just as I am , Dunstan, Saffron Walden, Woodworth
Just as I am, without one plea , Gainsworth, Misericordia
Just when I need Him, Jesus is near , Gabriel
Keep up the song of faith , Anonymous
Kind and merciful God , Elfaker
King of glory, King of peace , Gwalchmai
King of my life, I crown Thee now , Duncannon
Lamb of God, I look to Thee , Gentle Jesus (Shaw)
Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace , Nox Praecessit
Lead, kindly Light , Sandon
Lead me, Lord , Samuel S. Wesley
Lead on, O King eternal , Lancashire
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us , Mannheim
Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace , Song 22
Let all mortal flesh keep silence , Picardy
Let all that is within me , Anon.
Let all the world in every corner sing , High Road
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing , Universal Praise
Let all things now living , Ash Grove
Let earth and heaven agree , Millennium
Let saints on earth in concert sing , Dundee
Let the song go round the earth , Moel Llys
Let us break bread together , Spiritual
Let us with a gladsome mind , Monkland
Life is like a mountain railroad , Charles D. Tillman
Lift Him up, 'tis He that bids you , D.S. Hakes
Lift Jesus higher , Anon.
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates , Macht Hoch Die Tur, Truro
Lift up your hearts, we lift them Lord, to Thee , Magda
Lighten the darkness of our life's long night , Erfyniad
Like wand'ring sheep o'er mountains cold , J. McGranahan
Living for Jesus a life that is true , Lowden
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending , Helmsley, Regent Square, St. Thomas
Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming , Es ist ein `ros
Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest , Battle
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious , Triumph
Lord, as of old at Pentecost , Old-Time Power
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing , Dismissal
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour , St. Helen
Lord, from Whom all blessings flow , Tichfield
Lord, I care not for riches , F.M. Davis
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart , American Folk Melody
Lord, I was blind, I could not see , Saxby
Lord, in this Thy mercy's day , Holy Ghost
Lord, in Thy name Thy servants plead , Lincoln
Lord, in thy presence dread and sweet , Advent (Plymouth)
Lord, it belongs not to my care , Cheshire, Dibdin
Lord, it is eventide , Christ's own peace
Lord Jesu Christ, our Lord most dear , In Einen Kripplein Lag Ein
Lord Jesu, who at Lazarus' tomb , Song 18
Lord Jesus Christ, the cause is Thine , Die Sach Ist Dein
Lord Jesus, from Thy throne above , Worship
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole , Fischer
Lord Jesus I love You , Unknown
Lord Jesus, think on me , St. Bride, St. Paul's
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Lord of all being, throned afar , Louvan
Lord of life, and King of glory , Calvary
Lord of our life, and God of our Salvation , Cloisters
Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name , Thanksgiving
Lord, speak to me that I may speak , Canonbury
Lord take my hand and lead me , So Nimm Denn Meine Hande
Lord, teach us how to pray aright , First Mode Melody
Lord Thy Word abideth , Ravenshaw
Lord, when we bend before Thy throne , Burford, Hunnys
Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee , Ripley
Lord, you have been our dwelling-place , Luther
Lord, you have given yourself for our healing , Springfield
Love came down at Christmas , Gartan, Yuletide
Love divine, all loves excelling , Bethany (Smart), Blaenwern, Hyfrydol, Love Divine (Stainer)
Love divine, so great and wondrous , E. Ahlwen
Loved with everlasting love , Everlasting Love
Love's redeeming work is done , Savannah
Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Saviour , Christ Arose
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned , Ortonville
Make me a captive, Lord , Leominster
Man of Sorrows! what a name , Man of Sorrows
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord , Daniel B. Towner
Mary had a baby, yes, Lord , West Indian Spiritual
Masithi - The Great Amen , South African
Master speak! Thy servant heareth , Magister/Ottawa
Mighty God, while angels bless Thee , Lowe (Alleluia)
Mine eyes have seen the glory , Battle Hymn
More about Jesus would I know , Sweney
More holiness give me , My Prayer
More love to Thee, O Christ! , Propior Deo, W. Howard Doane
Must Jesus bear the cross alone , Maitland
My Beloved is mine and I am His , Unknown
My faith has found a resting place , Landas
My faith looks up to thee , Denbigh, Olivet
My Father is rich in houses and lands , Binghampton
My God, accept my heart this day , St. Peter
My God and Father, while I stray , Layriz (Ins Feld Geh)
My God, how wonderful Thou art , Westminster, Windsor
My God! I know, I feel Thee mine , Buckley
My God, I love Thee; not because , St. Francis Xavier
My heart is full of Christ , Worsley
My hope is built on nothing less , Solid Rock
My Jesus, I love Thee , Gordon, J. Ellis
My life, my love I give to Thee , Dunbar
My Lord, my Life, my Love , Song 20
My Lord! what a morning , African American
My Shepherd will supply my need , Resignation
My soul doth magnify the Lord , Anonymous
My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea , G.D. Moore
Nearer, my God, to Thee , American, Bethany
Never in all human story , Bethlehem
New every morning is the love , Melcombe
Not now, but in the coming years , J. McGranahan
Nothing Between , C.A. Tindley
Now I have found the ground wherein , Anchor
Now let us see Your beauty, Lord , Kilmarnock
Now thank we all our God , Nun Danket
Now that the daylight fills the sky , Herr Jesu Christ
Now the day is over , Eudoxia, Merrial
Now unto him who is able to keep you , R.E. Mortishire
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O boundless Wisdom, God most high , O Invidenda Martyrum
O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us , Blomqvist
O Christ, in Thee my soul has found , J. McGranahan
O Christ, our true and only light , Cromer
O Christ, Who art the Light and Day , Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht
O come, all ye faithful , Adeste Fideles
O come, O come, Emmanuel , Veni Emmanuel
O could I speak the matchless worth , Ariel
O day of rest and gladness , Mendebras, Woodbird (Es Flog Ein Kleins)
O Father, we would thank Thee , Offertorium
O food of men wayfaring , In Allen Meinen Thaten
O for a closer walk with God , Belmont
O for a heart to praise my God , Abridge, Richmond
O for a thousand tongues to sing , Azmon, Hudson, Lyngham, O God of Love, University
O gladsome light, O grace of God , Nunc Dimittis
O glorious King of Martyr hosts , Rex Gloriose
O God of mercy, God of might , Fitzwilliam
O God of mercy, hear us now , Solemnis Haec Festivitas
O God our help in ages past , St. Anne
O God the Son eternal, thy dread might , St. Michael New
O happy band of pilgrims , Knecht(Kocher)
O happy day, that fixed my choice , E.F. Rimbault
O Holy Night! , Cantique De Noel
O how I love Jesus , F. Whitfield
O Jesus I have promised , Day of Rest, Wolvercote
O Kind Creator, bow thine ear , Cannons
O land of rest, for thee I sigh , W. Miller
O let him whose sorrow , Clewer
O Light of light, by love inclined , Whitehall
O Little town of Bethlehem , Forest Green, St. Louis
O Lord, and Master of us all , Blackbourne
O Lord of heaven, and earth, and sea , Es Ist Kein Tag
O Lord, our God, Thy mighty hand , Republic
O Lord, to whom the spirits live , South Cerney
O love, how deep how broad, how high! , Coutances, Puer Nobis Nascitur
O love of God, how strong and true , Eisenach, Martham
O Love that wilt not let me go , St. Margaret
O Master, let me walk with Thee , Kettering, Maryton
O most merciful! , Schonster Herr Jesu
O North, with all thy vales of Green , Auch Jetzt Macht
O! O! O! how good is the Lord , Unknown
O perfect Love , Perfect Love
O praise ye the Lord! , Laudate Dominum (Gauntlette), Laudate Dominum
O sacred Head, once wounded , Passion Chorale
O safe to the Rock that is higher , I.D. Sankey
O sing a song of Bethlehem , Kingsfold
O sing to the Lord , Cantad Al Senor, Psalm 67
O spread the tidings around , Comforter
O teach me what it meaneth , Rutherford
O the bitter shame and sorrow , St. Jude
O the blood of Jesus , Traditional
O the deep, deep love of Jesus , Ebenezer
O Thou, in all Thy might so far , Crowle
O thou my soul, forget no more , Bodmin
O Thou who camest from above , Wilton
O thou who this mysterious bread , Land of rest
O Trinity, most blessed light , O Heilige Dreifaltigkeit
O Trinity of blessed light , Bromley, Hilariter
O Unity of threefold light , Old 22nd
O when the saints , Traditional
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O Word of God above , St. Edmund
O worship the King , Houghton, Lyons
O Worship the Lord , Sanctissimus, Was Lebet
O Zion haste, Thy mission high fulfilling , Tidings
Of the Father's love begotten , Corde Natus (Divinum Mysterium)
Oft in danger, oft in woe , University College
Oh come, little children, Oh come , Schultz
On a hill far away , George Bennard, 1913
On Christmas night all Christians sing , Sussex Carol
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry , Winchester New
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand , Promised Land
Once He came in blessing , Gottes Sohn Ist Kommen
Once in Royal David's City , Irby
Once it was the blessing , Albert B. Simpson
Once our blessed Christ of beauty , N.B. Herrell
One day when heaven was filled with His praises , C.H. Marsh
Only believe , Paul Rader
Onward Christian Soldiers , Haydn, St. Gertrude
Open my eyes, that I may see , Scott
Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed , St. Cuthbert, Wicklow
Our Father, which are in heaven , Malotte
Our Father, who art in heaven , Caribbean Melody
Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night , G. Stebbins
Pass me not, O gentle Savior , W. H.Doane
Peace is flowing like a river , Anonymous
Peace, perfect peace , Pax Tecum
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world , Song 46
Peter and John went to pray , Anon
Portal of the world's salvation , Collaudemus
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high , Ely
Praise and unceasing praise! , Anon
Praise Him, Praise Him , Joyful Song
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven , Lauda Anima
Praise the Lord, His glories show , Llanfair
Praise the Lord of heaven , Laus Tibi Christe
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him , Austria, Faben
Praise the Savior, ye who know Him , German Melody
Praise to the Holiest in the height , Chorus Angelorum, Gerontius
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty , Lobe Den Herren
Praise we now the word of grace , Boyce
Praise ye the Father, for His loving kindness , Flemming
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire , W.A. Schulthes
Prepare the way, O Zion , Bereden vag for Herran
Purer in heart, O God , James H. Fillmore
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it , Redeemed
Rejoice in the Lord always and again , Unknown
Rejoice the Lord is King , Darwall, Gopsal
Rejoice! the year upon its way , Aeterna Christi Munera (Rouen)
Rejoice, ye pure in heart , Marion
Rescue the perishing , Rescue
Rest of the weary, joy of the sad , Theodora (Legge)
Ride on! ride on in majesty! , St. Drostane, Winchester New
Ring the bells of heaven! , G.F. Root
Rise up, O men of God! (adapt.) , Festal Song
Rock of Ages , Ajalon/Redhead/Petra, Toplady
Safe in the arms of Jesus , W.H. Doane
Salvation unto us has come , Es Ist Das Heil
Savior, like a shepherd lead us , Bradbury
Savior, Thy dying love , Something for Thee (Lowry)
Saviour, blessed Saviour , Edina, Norfolk Park
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Saviour, lead me, lest I stray , F.M. Davis
Saviour, sprinkle many nations , Hope
Search me, O God , Maori
See, amid the winter's snow , Humility (Goss)
See, Father, thy beloved Son , Hymnus Eucharisticus
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph , Rex Gloriae
Set my spirit free that I might worship You , Anon.
Shepherd divine, our wants relieve , Arnold's
Shepherds came, their praises bringing , Quem Pastores Laudavere
Shine Thou upon us, Lord , Hawarden
Show me how to stand for justice , Dim Ond Isesu
Silent Night, Holy Night , Stille Nacht
Simply trusting every day , I.D. Sankey
Since long ago at Bethany we parted , Londonderry Air
Sinful, sighing to be blest , Tunbridge
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle , Pange Lingua
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly , Pleading Saviour
Sing praise to God , Mit Freuden Zart
Sing praise to God who reigns above , Lobt Gott Den Herren
Sing them over again to me , Words of Life
Sing we the King, who is coming to reign , Glory Song
Sing we triumphant hymns of praise , Tugwood
Sitting at the feet of Jesus , Comfort (Hull)
So precious is Jesus, my Saviour , Charles H. Gabriel
Soft as the voice of an angel , Whispering Hope
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling , Thompson
Somewhere the sun is shining , Beautiful Isle
Son of God, eternal Saviour , Lugano, Supplication
Songs of praise the angels sang , Northampton
Speak just a word for Jesus , D.B. Towner
Speak, Lord, in the stillness , Quietude
Spirit blest, who art adored , Evelyn
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart , Morecambe
Spirit of God, unseen as the wind , Boat Song
Spread, O spread, thou mighty word , Gott Sei Dank
Spread the reign of God the Lord , Gott Sei Dank
Stand up and bless the Lord , St. Michael (Old 134th), St. Thomas (Williams)
Stand up, stand up for Jesus , Morning Light (Webb)
Standing on the promises , Promises
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright , Trisagion
Strengthen for service, Lord the hands , Ach Gott Und Herr, Deganwy
Strong, righteous Man of Galilee , Melita
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear , Abends, Birling, Herr Gott Vater, Hursley
Sweet are the promises, kind is the word , W.A. Ogden
Sweet hour of prayer! , Sweet Hour
Sweet is the work, my God, my King , Deep Harmony
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go , Lodsworth
Sweet the moments, rich in blessings , Batty
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling , Asa B Everett
Take my life, and let it be , Hendon, Nottingham, Patmos, Yarbrough
Take the Name of Jesus with you , Precious Name
Take Thou our minds, dear Lord , Hall (Laufer)
Take time to be holy , Holiness/Longstaff
Teach me Thy way, O Lord , Path Divine (Camacha)
Tell me the old, old story , Evangel
Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear , Stories of Jesus
Tell me the story of Jesus , John R. Sweney
Thank you, God, for sending Jesus , Anon
Thanks to God for my Redeemer , Tack O Gud
The advent of our God , Franconia
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The angel Gabriel from heaven came , Basque traditional
The chief Cornerstone Thou art, Lord , French Air
The Church triumphant in thy love , Eatington
The Church's one foundation , Aurelia
The day is past and over , Hominum Amator, St. Anatolius (Brown)
The day of resurrection! , Ellacombe
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended , Radford, St. Clement
The duteous day now closes , Innsbruck
The earth, O Lord, is one great field , Manchester
The eternal gifts of Christ the King , Gonfalon Royal
The First Noel the angel did say , The First Noel
The glory of these forty days , Erhalt uns, Herr (Spires)
The God of Abraham praise , Leoni
The great God of heaven , A Virgin Unspotted
The great Physician now is here , J.H. Stockton
The Head that once was crowned with thorns , St. Magnus
The heav'ns declare Thy glory, Lord , Alfreton
The King of Love my Shepherd is , Dominus Regit Me, St. Columba
The King shall come when morning dawns , Crediton
The Lord and King of all things , Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen
The Lord has given , Anonymous
The Lord is King! , Ivyhatch
The Lord is King! lift up your voice , Niagara
The Lord is my Shepherd , R.E. Hudson
The Lord is ris'n indeed, now is His work performed , Narenza
The Lord of Heaven confess , St. John
The Lord will come and not be slow , Coleshill, York
The Lord's my Shepherd , Crimond
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide , Ira D. Sankey
The love of God is greater far , Frederick Lehman
The merits of the Saints , Das Herrlich Hohe Fest
The people that in darkness sat , Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen
The praises of that Saint we sing , St. Ambrose
The sands of time are sinking , Rutherford
The Son of God goes forth to war , All Saints New, Stettin (Nun Seht)
The spacious firmament on high , Creation
The Spirit lives to set us free , Unknown
The strife is o'er, the battle done , Victory (Alleluia's), Victory
The sun is sinking fast , Speer (Sag Was Hilft)
The whole world was lost in the darkness , P.P. Bliss
The winter's sleep was long and deep , King's Langley
The wise man built his house , Anon
The Word of God, proceeding forth , O Salutaris
The year is swiftly waning , Devonshire
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee , Pax Dei
There is a balm in Gilead , Spiritual
There is a blessed home , Beulah (Hemy)
There is a book, who runs may read , Southwell
There is a fountain filled with blood , , Belmont
There is a green hill far away , Green Hill, Horsley, Meditation
There is a happy land , Happy Land
There is a land of pure delight , Beulah (Garrett)
There is a Name I love to hear , Traditional (Whitfield)
There is a place of quiet rest , C.B. McAfee
There is no love like the love , T.E. Perkins
There is sunshine in my soul today , Sunshine
There shall be showers of blessing , James McGranahan
There were ninety and nine , I.D. Sankey
There's a call comes ringing , McCabe
There's a Friend for little children , In Memoriam
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There's a land that is fairer than day , J.P. Webster
There's a light upon the mountains , Mt Holyoke
There's a royal banner given for display , J. McGranahan
There's a song in the air! , Christmas Song
There's a wideness in God's mercy , Wellesley
There's within my heart a melody , Sweetest Name
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old , St. Matthew
Thine be the Glory , Judas Maccabeus
Thine for ever! God of love , Horsham, Newington
This child we dedicate to Thee , Federal Street
This is My commandment, that you love one another , Unknown
This is my Father's world , Terra Beata/Patris
This, this is the God we adore , Celeste
Thou art coming, O my Savior , Beverley
Thou art gone up on high , Old 25th
Thou art the Everlasting Word , Supremacy
Thou art the way: by Thee alone , Metzler
Thou art the Way, to Thee alone , St. James
Thou didst leave Thy throne , I.D. Sankey, Margaret
Thou God of truth and love , St. Godric
Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise , Dies Ist Der Tag
Thou, Lord, hast power to heal , Dolgelly
Thou, my everlasting portion , Close to Thee
Thou who sentest thine Apostles , Bryntirion
Thou, whose almighty word , Moscow
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace , Unknown
Though Your sins be as scarlet , William H. Doane
Three in One, and One in three , Capetown
Threefold Amen , Danish
Throned upon the awful Tree , Nicht so Traurig
Through all the changing scenes , Wiltshire
Through the day thy love has spared us , Dretzel
Through the love of God our Saviour , Southgate
Through the night of doubt and sorrow , All For Jesus
Thy faithfulness, Lord, each moment we find , Montgomery
Thy hand, O God, has guided , Thornbury
Thy loving kindness is better than life , Unknown
Thy way, not mine, O Lord , Psalm 32
Thy Word is like a garden, Lord , St. Bernard
Tis a true and faithful saying , J. McGranahan
Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow , Olives Brow
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus , W. Kirkpatrick
Tis the grandest theme thru the ages rung , W.A. Ogden
To be like Jesus , Traditional
To God be the glory , W. H. Doane
To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love , Epsom
To my humble supplication , De Profundis
To the Name of our salvation , Oriel
To Thee, O Lord our hearts we raise , Golden Sheaves, Norse Air, St. Gall
Trials dark on every hand , Charles A. Tindley
True hearted, whole hearted, faithful and loyal , Truehearted
Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways , Old 124th
Under His wings , Hingham
Unto us a boy is born , Puer Nobis
Up Calvary's mountain , Redeemer
Walking in sunlight all of my journey , G.H. Cook
We are gathering together , Anon
We are living, we are dwelling , Blaenhafren
We are marching in the light of God , Siyahamba
We are never, never weary , William J. Kirkpatrick
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We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing , Kremser
We give immortal praise , Christchurch
We give immortal praise to God the Father , Crofts 136th
We give Thee but Thine own , Schumann, Windermere (Somervell), Yattendon 46
We have heard the joyful sound , Jesus Saves, Limpsfield
We love the place, O God , Quam Dilecta
We plough the fields, and scatter , Wir Pflugen
We praise Thee, O God , J.J. Husband
We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer , Kremser
We praise, we worship Thee, O God , Church Triumphant
We pray, Thee, heav'nly Father , Dies Dominica
We see the Lord , Anon.
We sing of your glory , Rio de la Plata
We sing the praise of Him who died , Breslau, Sarratt, Warrington
We thank Thee, Lord, for using us , Farrant
We three kings of Orient are , Kings of Orient
We were held in bondage, toiling down , William J. Kirkpatrick
Weary of earth and laden with my sin , Valor
We've a story to tell to the nations , Message
What a Friend we have in Jesus , Blaenwern, Calon Lan, Converse/Erie
What a mighty God we serve , Anon., Zulu Working Song
What a wonderful change , Gabriel
What can wash away my sin? , Robert Lowry
What child is this who, laid to rest , Greensleeves
What God ordains is always good , Was Gott Tut
What star is this, with beams so bright , Ein Kind Gebor'n
What wondrous love is this , Wondrous Love
When all my labors and trials are o'er , The Glory Song
When all your mercies, O my God , Contemplation
When amid life's busy thronging , Whispering Hope
When Christ our Lord , Monte Cassino
When Easter to the dark world came , At Eastertide
When God of old came down from heaven , Stroudwater
When He shall come, resplendent , Pearce
When I saw the cleansing fountain , I will praise Him
When I survey the wondrous cross , Hamburg, O Waly Waly, Rockingham
When morning gilds the skies , Laudes Domini
When our heads are bowed with woe , Redhead 47
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way , Ville du Havre
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed , Edwin O. Excell
When we are living, we are in the Lord , Somos del Senor
When we walk with the Lord , Trust and Obey
When wilt Thou save the people? , Kendal
When You prayed beneath the trees , Kelvingrove
Wherefore, O Father , Christe Fons Jugis
Wherever I am , Anon
While by the sheep we watched , Jungst
While morning still is breaking , Lob Gott Getrost
While Shepherds watched , Winchester Old
While we pray and while we plead , C.C. Case
Who are these like stars appearing , All Saints
Who is He in yonder stall , B.R. Hanby
Who is on the Lord's side , Armageddon
Who would true valour see , Monks Gate
Why should I feel discouraged? , C.H. Gabriel
Will your anchor hold , W.J. Kirkpatrick
With harps and with viols , P.P. Bliss
Worthy is the Lamb , Anon
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb , Worthy
Would you be free from the burden of sin , L.E. Jones
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Wounded for me , W. G. Ovens
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem , Montesano
Ye holy angels bright , Darwall
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim , Hanover, Paderborn
Years I spent in vanity and pride , Calvary
Yes, God is good - in earth and sky , Williams
Yield not to temptation , Palmer
Your words to me are life and health , Capel