Vocal/Choral/Publisher SONG LIST BY FIRST LINE (By Jack Dorrestyn)
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It is wonderful to have a number of vocalists with a variety of styles freely contributing to the site.
I trust that you will find a style that suits your church.
Select songs with vocals by:
All Vocalists
Janet (JR)
Basil (BH)
Carol (CW)
Don (DF)
Choir (CFCM)
Jubilate Hymns (JH)
Tune names in yellow have been added within the last 30 days.
Song first line/Tune(s)
Song first line/Tune(s)
Song first line/Tune(s)
A mighty fortress is our God , Ein` Feste Burg
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed , Martyrdom/Avon
All glory, laud and honor , St. Theodulph
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! , Miles Lane
All people that on earth do dwell , Old 100th
All ye that pass by , Wareham
And can it be that I should gain , Sagina
Angels from the realms of glory , Regent Square
Angels we have heard on high , Gloria (Iris)
As with gladness, men of old , Dix
Away in a manger , Cradle Song, Mueller
Beneath the cross of Jesus , St. Christopher
Breathe on me, breath of God , Carlisle, Trentham
Christ, the Lord, is risen today , Easter Hymn
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn , Yorkshire
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove , Galilee
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire , St. Stephen
Come now, everlasting Spirit , Cross of Jesus
Come, O come, Thou quickening Spirit , Lux Prima
Come, Thou long expected Jesus , Hyfrydol
Come, Ye Faithful Raise the Strain , St. Kevin
Creator Spirit, by whose aid , St. Catherine
Glory be to God the Father , Regent Square
Go to dark Gethsemane , Dix
God moves in a mysterious way , Irish
God of grace and God of glory , Regent Square
Good Christians all, rejoice , In Dulci Jubilo
Grace 'tis a charming sound , Cambridge
Gracious Spirit, dwell with me , Dix
Great God of Wonders! , Carey
Hail the day that sees Him rise , Llanfair
Hail Thou once despised Jesus , Hyfrydol
Hallelujah! sing to Jesus , Hyfrydol
Hark! The herald angels sing , Mendelssohn
Holy Spirit, Truth divine , Canterbury
I cannot tell why He Whom angels worship , Londonderry Air
I know that my Redeemer lives , Truro
Immortal, invisible, God only wise , St. Denio
In the bleak mid-winter , Cranham
In the Cross of Christ I Glory , St. Oswald
Infant Holy, Infant lowly , Infant Holy
It came upon a midnight clear , Carol
Jesus Christ is risen today , Llanfair
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun , Duke Street, Truro
King of glory, King of peace , Gwalchmai
King of my life, I crown Thee now , Duncannon
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us , Dulce Carmen, Mannheim
Lord of all being, throned afar , Maryton
Love divine, all loves excelling , Beecher
Master speak! Thy servant heareth , Magister/Ottawa
My heart and voice I raise , Ascalon
None other Lamb, none other Name , All Hallows
Now thank we all our God , Nun Danket
O breath of God, breathe on, us now , Whitburn
O come, all ye faithful , Adeste Fideles
O come, O come, Emmanuel , Veni Emmanuel
O for a heart to praise my God , Abridge
O for a thousand tongues to sing , Lyngham, Richmond
O Little town of Bethlehem , Forest Green
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea , Almsgiving
O Love that wilt not let me go , St. Margaret
Top of Page
O sacred Head, once wounded , Passion Chorale
O Spirit of the living God , Mendon
O the deep, deep love of Jesus , Ebenezer
O Thou who camest from above , Wilton
On a hill far away , George Bennard, 1913
Once in Royal David's City , Irby
Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed , St. Cuthbert
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven , Lauda Anima
Praise to the Holiest in the height , Gerontius, Newman
Praise to the living God , Leoni
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty , Lobe Den Herren
Rejoice the Lord is King , Darwall
Ride on! ride on in majesty! , Winchester New
Savior, again to Thy dear Name we raise , Ellers
Spirit of truth, essential God , Surrey
Stand up and bless the Lord , Carlisle, St. Michael (Old 134th)
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear , Hursley
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended , St. Clement
The First Noel the angel did say , The First Noel
The Head that once was crowned with thorns , St. Magnus
The King of Love my Shepherd is , Dominus Regit Me
The Lord's my Shepherd , Crimond, Wiltshire
Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower , St. Chrysostom
There's a call comes ringing , McCabe
Thine be the Glory , Judas Maccabeus
Thou didst leave Thy throne , Margaret
Thou, whose almighty word , Moscow
Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow , Olives Brow
We have heard the joyful sound , Limpsfield
We limit not the truth of God , Petersham
We plough the fields, and scatter , Wir Pflugen
Welcome, happy morning! , Hermas
Were you there? , Negro Spiritual
What wondrous love is this , Wondrous Love
When all your mercies, O my God , Contemplation
When He cometh , G.F. Root
When I survey the wondrous cross , Rockingham
While Shepherds watched , Winchester Old
Who is He in yonder stall , B.R. Hanby
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim , Lyons