small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
I am weak but Thou art strong (Closer walk))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Baptist Hymnal (US), 2008 473
I am weak but Thou art strong (Anonymous)
Celebration Hymnal, 1997 564
I am weak but Thou art strong (Closer Walk)
Hymns Old & New, 2008 412
Just a closer walk with thee (Just a closer walk)
Mission Praise, 2005 263
I am weak but thou art strong (Spiritual)
Chinese Language
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 575
主,我願更親近祢 (Traditional Spiritual)
青年聖歌 - Youth Hymns (Vol 1), 1981 87
主,我願更親近祢 (arr. for John T. Benson)
教會聖詩 - Hymns for God's People, 1985 396
主,我愿更亲近你 (Traditional)
Korean Language
찬송과예배 - Come, Let Us Worship (2002) 329
나는 비록 약하나 (Closer walk)
Spanish Language
Himnario Bautista (2000) 449
Junto a Ti, Mi Buen Señor (Closer Walk)

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