small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
Lead, kindly Light (Sandon))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Hymns Old & New, 2008 421
Lead, kindly light (Sandon)
Methodist, 1933 612
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom (Sandon)
Mission Praise, 2005 399
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom (Sandon)
The Covenant Hymnal, 1996 77
God of our life (Sandon)
The Hymnal, 1940 430
Lead, kindly Light (Sandon)
The Presbyterian Hymnal, 1990 275
God of our life (Sandon)
Together in Song, 1999 582
Lead, kindly light (Sandon)
Chinese Language
生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 46
神的保障 (Sandon)
生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 320
慈光引領 (Sandon)
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 34
我要抬頭向眾山嶺舉目 (Sandon)
赞美诗选编 - (1050首), 2002 38
主前崇拜 (Sandon)
Hausa Language
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (West Africa) 205
Ka bi da ni, ya Ubangijina (Sandon)
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (West Africa) 217
Ya Hasken ƙauna, ƙaunar Allahna (Sandon)
Korean Language
찬송과예배 - Come, Let Us Worship (2002) 325
우리의 삶을 주관하시는 주 (Sandon)
Malagasy Language
Protestant Madagascar Hymnal, 2001 619 2 Ry Raiko o! Tariho ny zanakao, (C.H. Purday)
Spanish Language
Himnario Bautista (2000) 231
Mis Ojos a los Montes Al Redor (Sandon)

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