small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
There's a call comes ringing (McCabe))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Baptist Hymnal (US), 2008 364
There's a call comes ringing (McCabe)
Celebration Hymnal, 1997 437
There's a call comes ringing (McCabe)
Chinese Language
生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 267
速發光 (McCabe)
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 599
去發光 (McCabe)
赞美诗选编 - (1050首), 2002 454
快送光 (McCabe)
教會聖詩 - Hymns for God's People, 1985 479
快发光 (McCabe)
世紀頌讚 - Century Praise, 2001 502
速發光 (McCabe)
Russian Language
Гимны Христиан (1994) 318
Дайте свет (Chas. H. Gabriel)
Thai Language
เพลง เเห่ง ชืวิตตริสเตืยน (2007) 253
ส่องสว่าง ()

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