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US English
Baptist (2008)
Celebration (1997)
Covenant (1996)
Lutheran Ser. (2006)
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Presbyterian (1990)
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Hymnal (1993)
Old & New (2008)
Methodist (1933)
Methodist (1983)
Mission Praise (2005)
Singing The Faith (2011)
Together in Song (AU-1999)
生命聖詩 (1986) - Hymns of Life
聖徒詩歌 (1983) - Hymnary
讚美詩 (1983) - New Hymnal
教會聖詩 (1985) - For God's People
世紀頌讚 (2001) - Century Praise
Other Asian
Lagu Sion - Indonesian (1991)
찬송과예배 - Korean (2002)
เพลง เเห่ง ชืวิตตริสเตืยน - Thai (2007)
Gesangbuch der - Evangelisch 2002)
Baptista gyülekezeti - énekeskönyv
Dziesmu grāmata - Latvian (1992)
Гимны Христиан - Russian (1994)
Himnario Bautista -Spanish (2000)
Other Languages
Protestant - Madagascar (2001)
Caneuon Ffydd - Welsh (2001)
Adventlofliedere - Afrikaans (1960)
Lifela tsa Kereke (1927)
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (W. Africa)
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Here are some more details about the hymn:
Jesu, the good Friend (G.F. Root))
Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn Book
First Line/Tune
Malagasy Language
Protestant Madagascar Hymnal, 2001
Jeso o, Sakaiza tsara (G.F. Root)
The best URL to use when linking to this recording is:
Play or download song:
Jesu, the good Friend
(G.F. Root)
(from smallchurchmusic.com)
(Click to see what the URL will give you)
To put the above button on your page, paste the following HTML into your webpage:
Play or download song:
Jesu, the good Friend
(G.F. Root)
(from smallchurchmusic.com)