small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
Come, let us to the Lord our God (Kilmarnock))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Hymns Old & New, 2008 71
Behold, the great Creator (Kilmarnock)
Hymns Old & New, 2008 353
In Christ there is no east or west (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1933 50
The Lord's my shepherd (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1933 108
Jesu, the very thought of Thee (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1983 33
Come, let us to the Lord our God (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1983 76
Can we by searching find out God (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1983 610 2 I come with joy to meet my Lord (Kilmarnock)
Methodist, 1983 758 2 In Christ there is no east or west (Kilmarnock)
Singing the Faith, 2011 542
We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ (Kilmarnock)
Singing the Faith, 2011 685
In Christ there is no east or west (Kilmarnock)
The English Hymnal, 1933 542
How are thy servants blest, O Lord (Kilmarnock)
The Hymnal, 1940 414
O for a heart to praise my God (Kilmarnock)
Together in Song, 1999 247
Let all be one in mind and heart (Kilmarnock)
Together in Song, 1999 577
Come, let us to the Lord our God (Kilmarnock)
Chinese Language
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 210
不再定罪 (Kilmarnock)
讚美詩-The New Hymnal, 1983 132
万方团契歌 (Kilmarnock)

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