small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
In tenderness He sought me (A.J. Gordon))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Chinese Language
生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 183
妙愛找我 (Clarendon)
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 173
祂來尋覓,滿了柔情 (Adoniram J. Gordan)
讚美詩-The New Hymnal, 1983 222
妙爱找我歌 (O the love)
赞美诗选编 - (1050首), 2002 309
妙爱找我 (O the love)
Hausa Language
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (West Africa) 182
Da cuta da gajiya a jeji can na ke (A.J. Gordon)
Hungarian Language
Baptista gyülekezeti énekeskönyv (2010) 178
Fáradtan, bűnbe esve ()
Russian Language
Гимны Христиан (1994) 247
Меня нашел Христос (A.J. Gordon)
Thai Language
เพลง เเห่ง ชืวิตตริสเตืยน (2007) 142
พระเยซูทรงพระเมตดา ()

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