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Ephesians 4:1-16   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
How to build a church
One vital element to start a Church - the Gospel.
1. Keep the unity of the Spirit. (v3). We are saved by Jesus into the community of the 'saved'. We are one. (v4). We are charged with making sure this continues ('make every effort'). Do this by letting the Gospel shape our lives (v2) (eg, changing views on 'humility'). Because I know God cares for me, I can care and put others first. Unfortunately, we often divide over trivial things. But some issues are very important that we agree on (the basic Gospel of redemption).
2. Equiped by the Gospel. (v7) He distributes gifts to His people for building up others. All Christians need to grow by regular teaching in the Gospel. Prior to the Reformation, 'things' had replaced the Gospel.
3. Building with the Gospel. (v16) Each part has to do its work. v12 'works of service/ministry'. (see v15) God is equiping each of us to 'speak the Gospel' into fellow Christians, and non-Christians (eg at work). Pray before we come to be equipped. What will this church be like - either (a) v13 - mature - complete in Christ, or (b) v14 - infants - divided, following trendy false gospel.
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