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Ephesians 4:17-32   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
We are new creatures in Christ, but we need to constantly grow and change.
1. Assumptions about change. (a) Without God desires/appetite is king. (v17-19). The direction of the non-Christian life will never go in the right direction. (b) A Christian is a new creation (22,23) - done by God, by meeting/learning Christ. Gospel changes us from within (v21) (c) Change is the norm. (v22-24) - like changing into new clothes.
2. Examples of where we may need to change. (a) Falsehood (v25) to truthfulness. (b) Anger (v26,27) - we are to give it to God. (c) Stealing (v28) - obvious theft, as well as subtle ones like software piracy. (d) Rotten talk (v29) - more than swearing - conversations that can hurt and destroy. (will it help build up the other person) (e) Aggression (v31) - instead be kind etc (v32).
3. A few encouragements. (a) We can change because God's Spirit is within (v30) (b) Christians are 'a work in progress' (v17, 22) (c) It is not the end if someone fails. (d) We have each other (Hebrews 10:24) (e) God does not require the impossible from us. Titus 2:11ff.
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