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Ephesians 3:1-21   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
The World's Greatest Mystery
Bible 'mysteries' cannot be solved, but have to be revealed (v5). (verses 2-13 are a sidetrack).
1. The Mystery revealed (v3) something new - v6 reveals the mystery. The Gospel is now offered to the Gentiles. (a) Gentiles now considered as Abraham's descendants. (b) One body (c) Share the promises. No distinction between Jew and Gentile. That is the mystery. (ie one body). The Church is the one body - joined to Jesus and each other. The mystery is not plan 'B' - the Church one body has always been God's plan.
2. Proclaiming the mystery (v8). Paul is given the task to proclaim. But notice who also is seeing this (v10) and the whole cosmos and forces can see the wonderful mercy of God. Anyone can come to God through Jesus (v12).
3. Prays that the mystery will be experienced. (v14, 16) God by His Spirit shows this to us and His love. The love captures all, over all time, and able to save the worst, and He now raises us up to His heavens.
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