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Ephesians 2:11-22   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
Together in Christ
We are called to belong.
1. The Spiritual 'flashback' - our past. - World, devil and the flesh. Result - v11,12 - separate - exclude - foreigners. Genesis 12 - God's promise to Abraham to restore the relationship destroyed by Adam and Eve. Most people don't know there is something wrong - there must be something more. Without God, there are no permanent solutions.
2. Christ is our peace (v13-16). The Jewish privilege was abused - Jesus came to remove the divide between Jews and Gentiles - Jesus makes into one 'new humanity'. Chapter 2:4-9 peace with God, but we are now at peace with His people.
3. Therefore together. v19 now fellow citizens, God's household - family. v21, 22 - built together. This has a local expression in the local Church. Our definition of what a Christian is should not be defined in individualistic terms. He saved me to belong to you.
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