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Ephesians 2:1-10   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
Alive by God's grace
Who do we think we are - blessed in Christ.
1. Our scandalous past. (v1-3) Paul totally blackens the spiritual reputation of us all. We were dead - the 'walking dead'. The three replacements we substitute for God (a) followed the world system (b) followed satan, (c) gratified our desires - followed our heart. What will God do (v3) - objects of wrath. This description of what those now Christians were. There is (a) no room for proud Christians (b) It reminds us of the reality of our unbelieving friends (c) so we will never stop thanking God and appreciate His grace.
2. Alive by God's grace. v4 sums it up. (a) made us alive (b) raised us up, (c) seated with Christ in heavenly realms. Why? - (a) because of His great love (b) rich in mercy (c) v5 by grace - underserved kindness. All about God, and nothing to do with our effort. All other religions give some credit to humanity and self effort. Christianity says none of us can contribute anything. By grace through faith - not from ourselves (v8). (Note: even faith is God's gift).
3. Why has God done this. (v6,7) To display His grace through all eternity. And so we can do good works (v10) - to please God. Who our efforts and work is for matters.
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