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Romans 9:1-33   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Salvation or condemnation : God's choice or ours?
Wouldn't we like all to be saved - what are we to think of those who reject it?
1. A heart for the lost. Why haven't all the Jews put their trust in Jesus (v1-3). They were God's chosen people (v4,5). But their unbelief had cut them off. Can our unbelief frustrate God's plans?
2. God's sovereign choice. God promised Abraham's descendants become a nation. His son by Ishmael did not receive the promise, but rather Sarah's son. God makes a similar choice with Rebekah’s son. (v10-13). God freely chooses those to be saved - election, predestination - He is completely sovereign.
3. Is God's choosing unjust? (v14-16). Justice demands that everyone is condemned - that is what is fair. We don't want fairness, but mercy. He can withhold it or lavish it on whom He chooses. (v18).
4. Are we responsible (v19). (a) Why do we take the side of the criminal (v20,21) (b) (v23ff) God bears us with patience so that from within people there will be a subgroup prepared for His mercy. Our best actions only deserve wrath. It is an astonishing miracle that God would save even one of us.
5. Paul's summary (v30-32) God works to maximise His glory, by showing mercy. The Jews rejected Jesus.
6. Implications. (a) We will want to praise God over all. (b) OK to not understand something in the Bible - but assume God has not made a mistake. (c) If we have aguish over the unsaved, you are in good company - but keep praying. (d) God doesn't have grandchildren.
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