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Romans 9:30-10:21   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Human Responsibility
Christianity does seem complex, but at its heart it is very clear. (10:9)
1. Christianity is about rescue. God saves. We need to be convinced He can save us - ie declare He is Lord is saying He can save.
Joel 2. Calling on Jesus is calling on God. (b) He has been raised from the dead. - It is proof He has defeated sin and death.
This offer of salvation is open to everyone (v12) (Verses 6,7 seem complex - but is saying salvation and knowledge of God is right here - we don't have to go to heaven to find out about God, for He has come to us.).
2. Rescue is received, not achieved. Our relationship with God is a gift (9:30-32).
V32 - faith verse works. Self righteousness. Israel was sincere (10:2) - zealous for God, but misguided. There is no rescue outside of Jesus.
3. Rescue proclaimed (10:14) The message goes out, even to those not looking for God. Like Israel (v21) they were stubborn.

A personal response to Jesus is necessary for Salvation. Even though God 'chooses', we have a choice. Hold both in parallel as true. Paul prays that God will help people believe, and yet Paul also preaches the gospel.
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<< Rom 9:1-33, Salvation or condemnation : God's choice or ours?Rom 11:1-36, The identity of the people of God >>