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Romans 8:28-39   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Alive by the Spirit - A glorious future
How can we be sure we will get there?
1. God works in all things for our good (v28). Only applies to 'those who love God' (ie, for Christians). Includes the bad things of life as well. Even the good things we will not take for granted. Nothing for the Christian is 'just fate' or 'bad luck'. Even in bad things (like the cross) God is at work. God is never 'outwitted' by things going bad.
2. What is 'our good'. The 'good' is to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. Our good expectations may not be the best for us, whereas God's good is the ultimate good. (He has loved, planned, called, declared righteous and glorified us.).
3. Be certain of God's love. (v32) God will do all things for us - demonstrated by His love in the Cross. Nothing will succeed in separating us from God (v33-35). Even in suffering, God is with us.
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<< Rom 8:18-27, Alive by the Spirit - Help in WeaknessRom 9:1-33, Salvation or condemnation : God's choice or ours? >>