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Romans 8:18-27   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Alive by the Spirit - Help in Weakness
It is sad that so many cannot believe in God in the light of the world's suffering.
1. Creation's groaning. (v18ff) All suffering grows out the fall. God subjected everything to frustration and suffering. God wants us to seek out answers - which are found only in Him (v19).
2. Our groaning (v23). We know about the curse, and the future hope. Not here yet - and there is no promise we will not suffer. We may suffer because (a) pain from a broken world. (b) struggle with sin and temptation. (c) persecution for sake of Christ. (Paul - 2 Cor 11:23ff). The future hope makes the suffering fade into insignificance.
3. Help in our weakness. (v26,27) God gives us His Spirit to help us pray. Praying in the face of suffering is hard.
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<< Rom 8:9-17, Alive by the Spirit - AdoptedRom 8:28-39, Alive by the Spirit - A glorious future >>