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Romans 8:9-17   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Alive by the Spirit - Adopted
Justification is wonderful - but there is a greater truth - we are adopted as sons.
1. The Spirit of Christ is in you. (v9). God rescues us by His Spirit and we now belong to Christ. It is the Triune God who works is us. Eternal life has began now. Our feelings may not always reflect this reality.
2. Life according to the Spirit. Options of living according to 'flesh' or the 'Spirit'. Key sign 'put to death' (v13) - it is a graphic way of saying we give no concession to the things that don't please God. We are focused of God's way. The struggle (with our failings) is a sign of life.
3. Sons of God. (v14, 15) Adopted as children. No one is born a Christian - its an adoption process. A new intimacy - 'Abba Father'. He will always responds to us.
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<< Rom 8:1-8, Alive by the Spirit - Free from CondemnationRom 8:18-27, Alive by the Spirit - Help in Weakness >>