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Romans 8:1-8   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Alive by the Spirit - Free from Condemnation
The new realm of life and belonging to Christ.
1. No condemnation (v1) Never again - because we are in the new realm of the Spirit. All possible through Jesus' death. The law was powerless to stop us sinning. Jesus came into sin's territory and won on our behalf. Jesus fulfils the righteous requirements of the law (v4). God does not use judgement to control us - we are free to please Him.
2. We can please God (v5). Our whole mindset has been changed - the old mindset is hostile to God (v7, 8). The relationship and orientation of our heart and life has all changed. It is about the direction of my heart and mind.
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<< Rom 7:7-25, Serve God in the new way of the SpiritRom 8:9-17, Alive by the Spirit - Adopted >>