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Romans 7:7-25   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Serve God in the new way of the Spirit
While we are safe from God's judgement, why do we keep sinning?
Many different opinions on how to interpret this passage.
1. The old way of the written code. (v6) Released. The purpose of the law - it is good, but it shows our sins (v13). Our natural bent is to bend the rules of God and to resist them - this results in death. Sin doesn't seem dangerous to us, but God gave His law to diagnose and show us the real problem.
2. Living the new way. (v14ff - Te conflict). The old way still resides in us, and I fail. This is the normal experience of the Christian (v21,22). The fact of the conflict shows we are alive (righteous sinner). V24 - the law exposes our problem - BUT Jesus rescues us. We now have a new heart empowered by the Spirit. The law no longer measures our relationship with God. The Spirit will help reveal our problem, and bring us back to God - we are safe in Christ.
3. Implications. (a) We are justified by faith, not by our performance. (b) It will impact our expectation - we are not perfect. (c) We will change through the Gospel.
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