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Romans 6:15-7:6   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Masters, Slaves & Perfect Freedom
Have our action points or strategy ready on how to avoid sin
1. Be slaves to righteousness. Are you a slave? John 8:34 'we are slaves to sin'. Two possible masters. Rejecting God's rule makes us salves to sin. But Jesus can set us free (v18). Jesus puts on a new path of righteousness.
2. I am designed for Obedience. World promotes 'you are free - do as you like'. True freedom is when we act within the rules. v20,21 We are ashamed of our past foolish actions. v22 - obedience leads to holiness. His service is 'perfect freedom'.
3. Remember our new Master. 7:4 - we belong to Jesus. We died with Christ (v6) we now serve in the new way of the Spirit. It is like being married to Jesus.
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<< Rom 6:1-14, A Righteous Battle!Rom 7:7-25, Serve God in the new way of the Spirit >>