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Romans 2:1-16   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
God's Judgment will be ...
We are so quick to see the faults in others. God's judgement is for all. Its a hard truth.
1. God's is just and His judgement is based on truth. Our every thought and action will be exposed. There are no loop-holes that we can use to get off free.
2. God's judgement is inescapable. v3. Even Christians will be judged, and can't use God's kindness as an excuse.
3. God's judgement will be righteous (v5-11) - judged according to what we have done. (including thoughts). The outcome will be condemnation.
4. God's judgement will be impartial (v12) - based on objective criteria. Judged according to what we have been given.

Is there anything we can do to survive this judgement?
5. Repent (v4) - Martin Luther - 1st article - repentance - always a basic belief. Repentance means changing our mind. Initially about God, and changing my mind about my sins. Also changing your mind about your life (eg, who is in control). God gave Jesus to suffer the punishment that we are due to receive.
6. Persist in doing good (v7-8) This will be the result of our repentance. This will be the evidence of our faith. 'Persist' - fighting for your life. Some examples from the book of Romans.
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