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Romans 1:18-32   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
What is wrong with our World?
We need the right diagnosis if we are sick.
1. Salvation from what (v16). Many things wrong with the world. God's diagnosis - God is angry with us. Because of God's love He is angry.
2. Why God's wrath - because we suppress the truth. (v18,19). We substitute God's image for idols (v22). We worship created things rather than the Creator. Adam and Eve wanted to do their own thing.
3. What does God's wrath look life? The slippery slope (v21) ending up in foolishness. God gives us over to the desires of our hearts (v24, 26, 28.) Natural relations exchanged for unnatural ones. Summary, v31.
Note on Homosexuality (v26,27) (a) The Bible is not obsessed with it. (b) When mentioned it is along with other sexual sins (c) Not a worse sin, but distortion (d) Gays are always welcome in the Church. (e) We all sin, and therefore cannot judge.
4. The Diagnosis. (a) The Gospel antidote. (v17). The future of the world will still be people turning their back on God. (b) We need to recognise our frailty. Have a healthy mistrust of our selves. (c) Worship the Creator. Need re-orientating of our hearts. Praise is the natural result of something we care about.
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