small church music

List by topic: Christmas

A Babe lies in the cradle, German Carol (Corner)
A child is born in, Puer natus in Bethlehem
All glory to God in the sky, St. Cyprian
All my heart, Frohlich Soll Mein Herze Springen
All my heart this, Warum Sollt Ich Mich Denn Gramen
All praise to you, O Lord, Carlisle
Alleluia, songs of gladness, Dulce Carmen
Angels from the realms of glory, Regent Square
Angels we have heard on high, Gloria (Iris)
Arise , O Christian, Aus Meines Herzens Grunde
As with gladness, men of old, Dix
Away in a manger, Cradle Song
Away in a manger, Mueller
Behold a little child, Wheeler
Behold the Bridegroom cometh, Second Mode Melody
Blest be the King whose, Valet will ich dir geben
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly, Ermuntre Dich
Brightest and best of the sons, Epiphany Hymn
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Spean
Brightest and best of the sons of the, Stewart
Brightest and best of the stars, Liebster Immanuel
Brightest and best of the stars of the, Morning Star
Brightest and best of the stars of, Star of the East
Child in the manger, Bunessan
Christ, when for us you were baptised, Caithness
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, Yorkshire
Cloth for the, Wae's for me Prince Charlie
Come, O Jesus, Come O Lord, New Town
Come sing with me this song of love, Creation
Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Hyfrydol
Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Stuttgart
Come, Thou precious Ransom, come, Meinen Jesum
Comfort, comfort ye My, Psalm 42 (Freu Dich Sehr)
Cradled in a manger, Pleading Saviour
Cradled in a manger, St. Winifred
Ding dong, merrily on high!, French Melody
Dost Thou in a manger lie, Dies est Laetitiae
Dost Thou in a manger lie, Mauburn
Earth has many a noble city, Stuttgart
Earth was waiting, spent and restless, Picardy
Father eternal, Ruler of creation, Langham
For ages women hoped and prayed, Vox Dilecti
From east to west, from shore to shore, Rouen
From east to west, from shore to shore, Summercourt
From east to west,, Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar
From heaven above to earth I come, Vom Himmel Hoch
From heaven high I come to you, From Heaven High
From the eastern mountains, Princethorpe
From the eastern mountains, Valour (Mann)
Gentle Mary laid her, Tempus Adest Floridum
Gentle Mary laid her child, Weimar (Vulpius)
Give heed, my heart,, Vom Himmel Hoch (arr Bach)
God from on high has heard, St. Cecilia
God is born among us, Gdy Sie Chrystus Rodzi
God loves me dearly, Gott Ist Die Liebe
God rest you merry people all, English Traditional
Good Christians all, rejoice, In Dulci Jubilo
Hail, O source of every blessing, O Durchbrecher
Hail to the Lord's, Freut Euch, Ihr Lieben
Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes, Bristol
Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes, Richmond
Hark! The herald angels sing, Mendelssohn
He is born, the divine Christ-Child, Il Est Ne
Here betwixt ass and oxen mild, Gevaert
How glad I am each Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve
Hush now my child, Skye boat song
I come, the Great Redeemer cries, This Endris Nyght
I heard the bells on Christmas day, Waltham
I know a rose-tree springing, Rosa Mystica
I know of a Name, a beautiful Name, M.J. Camp
I wonder as I wander, out, Appalachian Folk tune
In a byre near Bethlehem, Wild Mountain Thyme
In Bethlehem a new-born boy, In Bethlehem
In the bleak mid-winter, Cranham
In the little village of Bethlehem, Neidlinger
Infant Holy, Infant lowly, Infant Holy
It came upon a midnight clear, Carol
It came upon a midnight clear, Noel
It's rounded like an orange, Traditional
Jesus came, the Heavens adoring, Sieh, Hier Bin Ich
Joseph dearest, Joseph mine, Resonet In Laudibus
Joseph, your love of life, Healing
Joy bells are ringing, Julen Ar Inne
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!, Antioch
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Picardy
Let our gladness have no end, Narodil Se Kristus Pan
Let the earth now praise the Lord, Nun Komm
Let us all with gladsome voice, Lasst Uns Alle
Lift up your heads, ye mighty, Macht Hoch Die Tur
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates!, Milwaukee
Light one candle to watch for, Yiddish folk tune
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, Rocking
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, St. Thomas
Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming, Es ist ein `ros
Lord, bid your servant go in peace, Land of Rest
Love came down at Christmas, Gartan
Love came down at Christmas, Yuletide
Love has come - a light in the, Bring a Torch
Lully, lullay, thou little tiny, Coventry Carol
My Lord! what a morning, African American
Never in all human story, Bethlehem
No calendar will give the date, Antioch
No wind at the window, Columcille
Now shine a thousand candles, Christmas Candles
Now the joyful bells a-ringing, Nos Galan
Now yield we, Darmstadt (Was Frag Ich Nach Der Welt)
O Bride of Christ, rejoice, Auf Meinen Lieben Gott
O bride of Christ, rejoice, Wo Soll Ich Fliehen Hin
O come, all ye faithful, Adeste Fideles
O come little children, I pray ye, Temple Fortune
O come, O come, Emmanuel, Veni Emmanuel
O heavenly Word, eternal Light, O Heiland, Reiss
O Holy Night!, Cantique De Noel
O Jesus Christ, all praise to Thee, Gelobet Sesit Du
O Jesus Christ, Thy, O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein
O Jesus so sweet, O, O Jesulein suss (arr Bach)
O Light of Light (Plainsong), Jesu Dulcis Memoria
O little town of Bethlehem, Christmas Carol
O Little town of Bethlehem, Forest Green
O Little town of Bethlehem, St. Louis
O Lord, how shall I, Wie soll ich dich empfangen
O Saviour of our fallen race, Gonfalon Royal
O Saviour, rend the, O Heiland, Reiss Die Himmel Auf
O sing a song of Bethlehem, Kingsfold
O thou joyful, O thou wonderful, O Sanctissima
O Zion, acclaim your Redeemer!, Ga Sion
Of the, Corde Natus (Divinum Mysterium)
Oh come, little children, Oh come, Schultz
Oh, sleep now, holy baby, A la ru
On Christmas night all Christians sing, Sussex Carol
On Jordan's bank the, Auctoritate Saeculi
On this day earth shall ring, Personent hodie
Once in Royal David's City, Irby
Prepare the Royal Highway, Bereden Vag For Herran
Prepare the way, O Zion, Bereden vag for Herran
Rejoice, rejoice, believers, Llangloffan
Round orange, round orange, you serve as a, Lourdes
Saviour of the nations, come, Nun Komm
Saw you never, in the twilight, Chartres
Saw you never, in the twilight, The wise men
See, amid the winter's snow, Humility (Goss)
Shepherds came, their, Quem Pastores Laudavere
Shout the glad tidings, Avison
Silent Night, Holy Night, Stille Nacht
Sing lullaby, Lullaby baby, The Infant King
Sing, O sing, this blessed morn, England's Lane
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly, Pleading Saviour
Sing we now of Christmas, French Carol
Songs of thankfulness and praise, Salzburg
The angel Gabriel from heaven, Basque traditional
The first good joy that, M. Shaw & P. Dearmer
The First Noel the angel did say, The First Noel
The great God of heaven, A Virgin Unspotted
The happy Christmas comes once more, Det Kimer Nu
The Holly and the Ivy, Traditional
The King shall come when, Consolation (Kentucky)
The night will soon be ending, Llangloffan
The Only Son from Heaven, Herr Christ (Gud Faders)
The people who in darkness walked, Perry
The shepherds had an angel, Christina
The sinless one to Jordan, Solemnis Haec Festivitas
The snow lay on the ground, Venite Adoremus
The star proclaims the King is, Wo Gott Zum Haus
There's a song in the air!, Christmas Song
Thou didst leave Thy throne, Margaret
Thou Who wast rich beyond all, Bergers (Fragrance)
Twas in the moon of winter time, Une Jeune Pucelle
Unto us a boy is born, Puer Nobis
Virgin born, we bow before Thee, Psa 86
We three kings of Orient are, Kings of Orient
What child is this who, laid to, Greensleeves
What is the crying at, St. Mark's Berkeley
What star is this, with beams, Ein Kind Gebor'n
What star is this, with beams so bright, Puer Nobis
When all the world was, Was Frag Ich Nach Der Welt
When Christmas morn is breaking, Juldagsmorgon
When Christ's appearing, Erhalt Uns (Rhythmic)
When Christ's, Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar
Where do Christmas songs begin?, Mountain Heights
While by the sheep we watched, Jungst
While Shepherds watched, Christmas
While Shepherds watched, Winchester Old
Who is He in yonder stall, B.R. Hanby
Who is He in yonder stall (Double Verse), B.R. Hanby
Who is the King of glory, Israeli Melody
Wise men, seeking Jesus, Worship

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