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Acts 1:1-11   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
Jesus' work - To be continued
Good to know what has happened to old friends. Where is Jesus now?
Book of Acts - Jesus is alive and very much in power.
1. Where Jesus is now (v1) - Jesus' current location is heaven (v9-11). He rose from the dead - He is now in the place of total authority (Ephesians 1:19). He is in the highest place, and so all should confess Him as Lord. Jesus Lord of ALL, even if they don't realise it.
2. Jesus continues His work (v1 -began - now he writes to tell them of what Jesus continues to do.) (v7,8) My witnesses, says Jesus, throughout the whole world. The apostle qualifications (v21) - they were eye-witnesses. Disciples were puzzled (v11) - and after the angels' message they got it, and started with the task. We are not eye-witnesses in the same way as the Apostles (who all died), but we know Him by faith. We can all do this (a) tell others our story (b) be able to explain our faith, maybe ask some questions as a conversation starter (c) Invite someone to church or an event.
3. Powered by God. He told them to wait (v4) for the gift of His Spirit. Work can't be done without the Spirit (v8). In New Testament, we learn a lot about the Holy Spirit, including empowering us to speak about Jesus. (Luke 12:11). We are not alone in the task - Jesus is with us by His Spirit.

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