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Romans 16:1-27   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Established in Christ
Romans 16:25 - To be established in Christ.
1. Being united. Why the list of names. A living example of being united (a) No restrictions - all people V26 'all nations'. Eg, Jews and Greek names, male and female. Rich, poor, slave and free. Young and old. (b) They share love and friendship (v5, 8, 9, 12 etc). Paul was not a solo player - he worked with others. (v13) The love they had for Paul. (c) Working together (v2, 3, 6 etc) and working very hard in the Lord. There were various jobs. Even Tertius who wrote down the letter.
2. Careful about divisions. V17-19. Not all who come in the name of Christ are actually in Christ. Two give aways (a) cause divisions, (b) different Gospel, emphasising minor issues.
3. God's glory. The ultimate goal (v25) by us being established in Christ.
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