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1 Peter 1:1-12   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Peter
The Big Picture
Peter directs our minds to 2 big concepts: (1) Our life has profound meaning, (2) Hope beyond this world.
We are the people of God and receive God's promises in Christ.
We have an everlasting hope, and our faith in Jesus is eternal. There is an eternal relationship with Him.
Hope is certainties that we don't have yet. God is keeping our hope sure. God is keeping us safe and shielding us. God's warranty is for eternity.
But what about our trials? Get it into our hearts now the truth of what God has for us.
Listen to talk

(File size=3.7 mb, Duration: 21 Minutes.)
Questions for further thought
(File size=96.2 kb)
Link To Church Site
Start of studies1 Pet 1:13-2:3, Life with a living hope >>